
Meeting Minutes – May 2024

President Larry Jennings called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri to order at 9:00 a.m., Sunday, April 7, 2024, at Kingdom City City Hall in Kingdom City, Missouri. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call of Board of Directors and other officials


President Larry Jennings, Johnson County FPD; First Vice President Charlie Peel, Southeastern Randolph FPD; Second Vice President Grant Oetting – Higginsville FPD; Secretary-Treasurer Jaime Miller – Johnson County FPD #2; Sergeant-at-Arms Rex Reynolds – Southern FPD of Holt County.


District 1, Terry Wynne, Galt FPD; District 2, Vernon Cash, Shelbina FPD; District 3, Rob Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; District 4, Joe Vaughn (V), Central Cass Co FPD; District 7, RB Brown, Union FD; District 10, Greg Brown, Eureka FPD; District 11, Billy Smith, North Central Carroll Co FPD; District 14, Rick Dozier (V), Southern FPD of Holt County.

Assistant Directors

District 1, Janet Cain, Shoal Creek FPD; District 3, Josh Loyd, Martinsburg Area FPD; District 3, Dale Ransdell, Madison West Monroe FPD; District 4, Jonathan Evans, Lincoln FD; District 5, Dylan Honea, Southern Stone FPD; District 5, Shelby Honea, Southern Stone FPD; District 6, Alan Braun, Cole County FPD; District 10, Harriett Vaucher, Eureka FPD.


Gail Hagans, Harry Ward, David Hedrick, University of Missouri Extension Fire and Rescue Training Institute; Tim Bean, Missouri Division of Fire Safety; Keith Smith, Warrenton FPD; Chris Thompson, Holts Summit FPD; Greg Wright, Retired; Kenneth Hoover, Little Dixie FPD; Gary Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Todd Gray, Fulton FD; Brian Zinanni, Funeral Team; Larry Jones, Madison West Monroe FPD; Christina Loyd, Martinsburg Area FPD. 

*(V) denotes Virtual Attendance


President Jennings asked for additions to the agenda. No additions were made.


President Jennings asked for additions or corrections to the February 11, 2024, meeting minutes. Greg Brown moved to accept the minutes as presented. A vote was held, and the motion was approved.

Financial Report

President Jennings asked for a review of the January-February 2024 financial report. Discussion was held and the board advised to file the report for the annual compilation.

Report of Officers and Special Guest(s)

Harry Ward with the University of Missouri Extension Fire and Rescue Training Institute reported that they assisted with the propane training held in Sedalia in March. MFA donated the propane and there was a great turnout.

The Fire Service Enhancement Leadership Program has finished, and they received very positive feedback from participants.

Summer Fire School will be from May 29–June 2. They are bringing back wildland classes. 

There are lots of trainings being held all over the state. If your department would like to host a training, contact the Missouri Division of Fire Safety.

Tim Bean with the Missouri Division of Fire Safety thanked all those who attended Firefighter Day at the Capitol. It was the largest attended with 102 women.

Bean emphasized the importance of getting to know your local representatives. The fire service is in a great position with our legislative body so get to know them so we can keep firefighter education funded in the state budget. There are 40 days left in the legislative session. The House is passing bills, but they are not moving through the Senate. The budget is in good shape and firefighter education funding is there. 

DFS currently has a Mutual Aid Coordinator position open.

Fire department registration is going great. Several departments haven’t registered so help share with your neighboring departments about this requirement. 

District reports

District 1

Terry Wynne reported that he recently met with Milan and Milan Rural and has been talking with several other departments. Janet Cain has met with Linn County EMS and 911.

District 2

Vernon Cash reported that he will be attending the next regional meeting in his area.

District 3

Rob Erdel reported that Dale Ransdell attended a meeting with several EMS and 911 agencies. He did attend a Region B Chiefs meeting and Randolph County Ambulance has recently joined.

District 4

Joe Vaughn reported that he has a meeting coming up with Adrian Fire. Jonathan Evans reported that he checked in with several member departments. He also represented FFAM in Atlanta at the United Soybeans Association as they introduced a new firefighting foam. 

District 5

Dylan Honea reported that he attended the MO Chiefs Conference with Grant Oetting in February. Twenty-two departments were represented. Terry Plumb has also been in contact with several departments. 

District 6

Alan Bruan reported that he attended the Four River Conference. Thirteen departments were in attendance, and he shared information about FFAM. He is meeting with the Moniteau Chiefs Association later in April.

District 7

RB Brown reported that he has been in contact with several departments. 

District 9

No report given.

District 10

Greg Brown reported that George Sheets is retiring leaving an Assistant Director position open. Grant Oetting and Charlie Peel are still working with IAFF. 

District 11

Billy Smith reported that Josh Koepke is working on Kansas City FD, Birmingham and Platte Co. He met with Hardin who has now joined and is working on a couple of other departments. 

District 12

No report given.

District 14

Rick Dozier reported that Kyler Oliver attended the Buchanan County Chiefs Association meeting. He has also been in contact with several departments. 


Secretary Miller advised that a thank-you card was received from the Division of Fire Safety about Firefighters Day at the Capitol.

Old Business

Discussion was held on the district boundary proposal that was presented in February. Charlie Peel advised that after discussion, a couple of counties in District 5 and the proposed District 8 would be switched around. The proposal will be presented at the convention. 

New Business

President Jennings advised that Vernon Cash has submitted a request for Brad Neff with Adair County Fire for District 2 Assistant Director. Billy Smith moved to appoint Brad Neff as District 2 Assistant Director. Terry Wynne seconded and all approved. 

President Jennings advised that Shawn Ritchie has agreed to fill the unexpired term of the District 6 Director. RB Brown moved to appoint Shawn Ritchie as the District 6 Director. Rob Erdel seconded the motion and all approved.

President Jennings advised that George Sheets is retiring. Greg Brown moved to remove George Sheets as a District 10 Assistant Director. Vernon Cash seconded the motion and all approved.

President Jennings advised that Rob Erdel has agreed to chair the Contest Committee. Greg Brown moved to appoint Rob Erdel as the Contest Committee chairman. Billy Smith seconded the motion and all approved. 

President Jennings advised that Rob Erdel has presented two names to be appointed to the Contest Committee. Discussion followed. Greg Brown moved to appoint Alan Braun and Dylan Honea to the Contest Committee. Vernon Cash seconded the motion and all approved. 

President Jennings advised that there are still two open positions on the memorial foundation board. Contact him if you are interested.

Todd Gray with the Fulton Fire Department presented information about a new firefighter recruitment program they are starting in coordination with their local high school. He is requesting financial donations for the program as they are trying to raise $15k.

Stephen McLane with the Missouri Emergency Response Commission presented information about the hazmat training provided in Missouri. They have hosted 42 classes so far this year. Funding for MERC is done through federal funding and a collection of Tier II fees. 25% of their funding goes for salaries and operations and 10% goes to DFS for training. The remaining 65% goes to local communities for hazmat training planning and preparedness. The program is in jeopardy due to the sunset of SB 1356. The bill has passed the House but has not passed the Senate. He encouraged everyone to reach out to their local Senators to support passing the bill. If the bill doesn’t pass in this session, there will be no funding to continue free hazmat training and no money for local LEPCs. 

Chris Thompson advised that the Missouri Fire Service Charity BBQ is on September 14 at the Firefighters Memorial in Kingdom City. If you would like to participate in or sponsor the event, let him know.

Committee Reports

Awards Committee

Joe Vaughn reported that eight nominations were received, and they will be awarding six. They are also working on securing a bid for the Phil Sayer award bell. 

Budget Committee

No report was given.

Bylaws Committee

Rex Reynolds reported that the bylaw-proposed changes are on the website and were emailed out.

Chaplain Committee

No report was given.

Contest Committee

Rob Erdel reported that they are working with Lake Ozark on obtaining the needed equipment for the contest. They are also looking at a plaque option instead of trophies. Discussion was held on possible incentives for participating to boost participation. 

Convention Committee

Josh Loyd reported the block of rooms at Lodge of the Four Seasons will be released on April 16. You can still make reservations but not at the convention rate.

Education Committee

No report was given.

Fire Prevention Committee

No report was given.

Legislative Committee

Greg Brown reported that Firefighters Day at the Capitol was the largest attended. Thank you to the Division of Fire Safety for coordinating.

The budget should get through. There are several items significant to the fire service. Please reach out to DFS if you are interested in hosting training so the allocated training funds in the budget can be used to encourage a continuation of the funding.

The Firefighter Critical Illness Pool is working on a behavioral health component as well as a pathway for everyone to join.

Legislation in the works includes federal reimbursement for ambulances, fireworks, EMS training in human trafficking, MERC bill, and personal property tax elimination. Watch for his weekly updates for more information.

Membership Committee

Grant Oetting reported the following membership counts: 485 Directors/Councilman; 415 Retired; 13 Associate; 7 Sustaining; 15 Corporate, 327 Fire Departments; 6212 Active; 3 Educational Entities; 9 Educational Active; 147 Juniors; 6 EMS Department, 167 EMS individuals; 0 911 Entity; 0 911 individuals. 

Oetting reported that he and Dylan Honea attended the MO Chiefs conference in Branson. 22 departments were represented. Dylan and Shelby Honea attended Silver Dollar City’s launch of Fire in the Hole. Jonathan Evans represented FFAM at the United Soybean Association meeting. We have been invited to attend the Jeffco Engine Rally and the BBQ team has been asked to prepare food for Revolutionary Fire Tactics in October. He and Josh Koepke are helping coordinate logistics when NVFC has their meeting in Kansas City.

Nomination Committee

Ken Hoover reported the following district director positions are up for election in May: Districts 4, 5, 6, 9, 10. Contact him if interested. 

NVFC Committee

Keith Smith reported that NVFC continues to look at the challenges that OSHA is looking to adopt that will have a major impact on everyone. There is a survey on the website, and he encouraged everyone to take a look. Discussion followed. Greg Brown moved to allow the Executive Committee to voice our concerns to OSHA on behalf of FFAM regarding the proposed changes. Vernon Cash seconded the motion and all approved. 

Scholarship Committee

Larry Eggen reported that three high school scholarships were awarded. Ten high school and one continuing education scholarship applications were received.

State Fair Committee

RB Brown reported there has been a discussion with a project manager and architect regarding the next steps for the station renovation projection.

The fair will be August 8-18. Work dates will be announced shortly.

Website Committee

No report was given.


Jaime Miller reported that the next magazine deadline will be April 26.

Historian report

No report was given.

Fire Funeral Team report

Brian Zinanni reported that this is the team’s 20th year in operation. There is a golf tournament fundraiser on June 24. DFS is donating $20k to the team through budgeted funds. 

EMS Funeral Team report

Greg Wright reported that the team has responded to 5 non-LODD services since the last meeting. The annual funeral teams conference at Camden at the Lake in Osage Beach is set for October 11-13. Registration starts May 1. The 2023 Spirit Award was presented to Chris Thompson.

Foundation report

Keith Smith reported that they are wrapping up the new website. He thanked Greg Wright, who is retiring, for his service on the board. September 14 with be the Missouri Fire Service Charity BBQ at the memorial with proceeds going to the museum projection. October 5-6 will be the annual memorial services.

President Jennings adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m.