
Memorial Foundation Report

As we wind down 2022, the Foundation is pleased to announce our partnership with CoMoGives for the first time. This is a project of the Community Foundation of Central Missouri which provides a platform for non-profits to share their organizational story and current service offerings and request financial support in continuing services with public exposure. While we are just one of a very large group of non-profits, our story and needs are unique and we are encouraged this will leverage a funding opportunity not previously used.

The program officially opens on November 29th and runs through December 31st. Contributing to the 2022 campaign cannot be started until the 29th but all other things can be viewed. Go to https://comogives.com/donate. There is a search engine on the left side of this landing page, but the participating non-profits and their goals are in the center of the page in alphabetical order. Just scroll down to Fire Fighters Memorial Foundation of Missouri and click. You can review our profile, story, and funding needs plus links to other things and our museum’s Facebook page. We have set a goal of $15,000 and hope to exceed that, but it is a starting point. Thank you, Doc Kritzer, for doing most of the heavy lifting in getting this project up and going for the Foundation and Gail for the pictures.


The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) has moved its services from October to the first weekend of May starting in 2023. This complicates our services that would normally follow just 10-days later. The Foundation has taken a vote to move the annual service from the spring of 2023 to the fall but has not finalized a date at the time of this article. Selecting a new annual date which we previously thought would never occur, could be required again and is more complicated than just throwing a dart at a calendar. We should have an announcement before the end of the year concerning 2023. It will make for a much larger service with both LODD and non-LODD names. In selecting this new date, we hope that it will again be the last time in doing so. Some things are just out of our control.

Hopefully, most of you that are on Facebook have checked out and “liked” our new Facebook page titled Fire Fighter Memorial Foundation of Missouri, and the website at www.ffam.org/memorial/. Please invite your friends to the Facebook page. Our description is “A place to honor and remember the service of Missouri Firefighters and reverently honor those who sacrificed their lives protecting Missouri citizens”.

If you are looking for that special Christmas present this year, please visit our online store at MOFireFighterMemorial.myshopify.com. This convenience allows custom product shopping with your credit or debit card plus direct-to-home shipping at any time versus having to wait until fire school, convention or the next memorial service.

Light the Night for fallen firefighters was October 2-9. The memorial grounds were set in red for honoring our fallen firefighters. 

What is Light the Night? Per NFFF, “this annual event hosted by the National Firefighters Foundation pays tribute to firefighters who have made the ultimate sacrifice and serves as a beacon of hope for the affected families that our nation’s heroes will always be honored and remembered”. Memorial grounds pictures courtesy of Gail.