
Fire Marshal’s Update – September 2022

From the last article, several things have come and gone. I was privileged to attend the National State Fire Marshal Association conference. I always leave better than I went. Getting the opportunity to network with State Fire Marshals from across the nation allows one to learn the trends, good or bad, that exist. Some examples include 3D printers, temporary spray booths, hydrogen mobile fueling stations, valet trash, Energy Storage Systems (ESS), battery storage/manufacturers, mobile food trucks, sleeping pods, and Wildland Urban Interface Code (WUIC). It is interesting to hear what goes on around our nation and what adds to our responsibility as local fire responders. Staying abreast of these new trends by attending related training will help you stay safe. 

You can thankfully attend many trainings due to the assistance of your state legislators and Governor Parson who approved our budget. We are happy to announce you will receive over $600,000 a year for free firefighter training. Please attend a free class when you can!

As your State Fire Marshal, I have the honor to set on the FFAM Memorial/Museum Foundation Board. It has been an educational experience to say the least. Many moving parts throughout the year take place to assure you and your agency have a well-maintained state memorial site. Including a candlelight and Sunday morning memorial service for our loved ones. We all want fellow fire service brothers and sisters to be honored and respected for eternity. I appreciate the other board members who serve on the foundation, and the FFAM president and board for their support to keep one of the best State Firefighters Memorials going. With that being said, we need your help financially. The memorial turned 20 years old this year. Several issues have arose that will be costly to replace and repair. I would like to see phase one of the museum, getting electricity, water and restrooms constructed and completed before our next memorial service. With that being said, if every fire department would donate $100 it would get us a long way on these items. I have my check made out, please join me as an individual or department and support your state firefighter’s memorial/museum. Thank you.

It was decent weather and good crowds that attended the 2022 State Fair this year. Thank you to Chief R.B. Brown, his command staff, and each firefighter who volunteered to provide a safe and pleasant experience for each fair-goer. Thank you to the FFAM for supporting the department and the Missouri State Fair Commission. Good job one and all!

On August 19th here on the thirteenth floor, a meeting was held, including virtual attendees with several fire chiefs, doctors, health department officials, IAFF, MOChiefs, and others, to begin grassroots discussions on how to find a way to assist our fire service financially when they come down with a “critical behavior/stress injury.” This is real and is happening all across our state. There will be more information coming on this very important topic. 

The federal government recently went live with the 988 number recently. If you find yourself in a mental crisis please use this number for immediate help. Our hope with this committee is that before long, an application will be available to download on your phone so that you can talk with a trained professional about your situation. Please reach out to me if you ever need someone to listen! I care!

It is that time of the year to remember and never forget our 343 brothers who fell on 9/11. There will be several stair climbs around our state that you could join to memorialize that event. Clayton Stair Climb is Sunday, September 11, located at the Enterprise Center in St. Louis. The Springfield Memorial 9/11 Stair Climb is on September 17th at MSU football stadium. September 17th is the 9/11 Tunnels to Towers 5/K Run/Walk here in Jefferson City at 8:00 a.m. We will be having our 6th annual Missouri Memorial 9/11 Stair Climb on October 22, at 8:00 a.m. You can register to climb at www.mo911stairclimb.org. Come join or donate. The money goes to Supporting Heroes and the FFAM memorial/museum foundation.

In closing, a friendly reminder that October 2-9, is Light the Night. Throughout that week display red light bulbs on your porch or at your stations to honor those firefighters who have gone on before us. Thank you all for everything you do for the department and the citizens you serve. We have things we always can improve on, but you get a lot of things right day in and day out! It is an honor to serve you! Stay safe.