
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – March 2022

Meeting called to order by President Jessica Weisz at 9:00 a.m.

Members Present

Jessica Weisz, Norborne FPD; Diane Wynne, Galt FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Joni Fields, Paris FPD; Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; Bailey Burd, Johnson County FPD; (via zoom is Christine Loyd, Little Dixie; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD, Carissa Thompson, Holt Summit FPD).


Jessica asked if everyone had a chance to review the December 5th, meeting minutes and if there were any corrections, additions, or discussions about them? Missy made a motion to accept the December minutes, Diane seconded, motion passed


Theresa reported our income this month was from membership dues coming in for the last two months. There have been no expenses since the last meeting. Jessica asked Diane who will be auditing the books on Friday night at Convention. Sheri offered to assist Diane. Sheri made a motion to accept the financial report, a second was made by Carissa, motion passed. 

Committee Reports


Sheri reported we have 73 members. It was suggested she contact the departments which usually participate in the games at the convention to ensure they get their membership paid before the convention. She is still waiting on Mayview to send her the list of their membership. 


If you have a nomination for a deserving person or persons for the Auxiliary Member of the Year, please contact one of the auxiliary officers as soon as possible. 


Reminded everyone convention is May 6–8, 2022. You need to register for convention admission and registration, and also secure your lodging registration very soon. You can go to the FFAM website for more information about the convention or go to washmofire.org/ffam-convention-2022. Carissa will contact Kim at Washington to see if they need anything donated to their silent auction.


See the article by Joni Fields, in this month’s magazine for the proposed changes to the by-laws.


Carissa discussed the comparisons between PayPal and Venmo accounts for us to use. She will check with Jaime to verify what the FFAM uses so we can be compatible with their procedures possibly.

New Business

We discussed FFAM sponsored events, if there is space, we could put together a basket or item(s) to raffle off or sell to raise money. 

Update on the schedule of events. We are allowed one Auxiliary officer to attend the event with Grant or a representative for the FFAM at each event. Adjustments were made. 

Tim Bean joined our meeting letting us know it is the 50th Anniversary of the Division of Fire Safety in Missouri. He wanted to invite everyone for the big celebration on April 5th, at Fire Fighters Day at noon in the rotunda at the state capitol in Jefferson City. He also shared the information his office is moving due to renovations. He is expecting to be at the new location for about 2 years. On Monday, February 14th Tim will celebrate being our State Fire Marshal for 5 years. The group extended a thank you to Tim for all of his wonderful service, time, and dedication to the Fire Service.

Charlie Peel asked the ladies to help next year with the Revolutionary Fire Tactics, July 15–17, at the Lake of the Ozark at Margaritaville. He was asking for help cooking and serving food possibly. More information to come.

The FFAM just voted to change the bi-monthly meetings starting at 10:00 a.m. The Auxiliary meetings also will start at 10:00 a.m. going forward. 

Jessica was informed about an article in the January – February 2022 magazine written by Larry Eggen titled 60 for 60. The Missouri State Fair Fire Department (MSFFD) is celebrating its 60th Anniversary at this year’s State Fair from August 11-21. Part of his article challenges all the members of the MSFFD who have served over the years, or anyone wanting to help recognize the MSFFD, to make a donation of $60 to their fundraiser, 60 for 60. The funds raised will go to the Firefighters Memorial Foundation. Theresa made a motion for the Auxiliary to make a donation for $60 to the 60 for 60 fundraiser. A second was made by Joni, motion passed. And we challenge each of our members to make their own donation to this wonderful cause. 

Memorial ribbons need to be ordered very soon. The group consensus was to order only purple and white ribbons. This will cause less waste of ribbons thrown away. Joni offered her students to put the ribbons together this next year as a school project.

Joni made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Diane seconded, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:21 a.m. 

Respectfully Submitted

Theresa Cox, Secretary/Treasurer