
2022 Contest Information

Just a friendly reminder convention is coming up, May 6th-8th. The convention contest will be held Saturday, May 7th at 8:00 a.m. The contest committee would like to invite all teams to participate. All team members need to be current, active members of the FFAM or auxiliary and you must be registered for the convention. 

All information can be found on the FFAM website under “contest” and any questions you have you can contact any contest committee member.

The deadline for all registrations and signed release forms of teams is Wednesday, May 4th, prior to the convention. We need time to resolve membership issues and for the committee to get the brackets and competition evolutions set up. All registration information, as well as contest information, can be found in the newsletter. The contest registrations and signed release forms can be e-mailed or mailed to me at any time, no need to wait until the last minute.

We would like to invite any and all director and assistant directors to compete or assist on the day of competition grounds the day of the contest it takes a lot of people to keep things going in a timely manner. We will meet at 7:00 a.m. on the contest grounds Saturday morning.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time – 573.680.2452 or gberendzen@ccfpd.net

Contest Information