
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – January 2022

Meeting called to order by President Jessica Weisz at 9:02 a.m.

Members Present
Jessica Weisz, Norborne FPD; Diane Wynne, Galt FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Joni Fields, Paris Rural FPD; Carissa Thompson, Holts Summit FPD; Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; Jessica White, Mayfield FPD; Bailey Burd, Johnson County FPD; (via Zoom) Christine Loyd, Little Dixie FPD; Kim Peffemann, Washington FPD.

Jessica asked if everyone has reviewed the October 3rd minutes and if there were any corrections, additions, or discussions about them? Sheri made a motion to accept the October minutes, second was made by Diane. The motion was approved.

Theresa stated there have been no expenses or income to the account since the last meeting. Carissa made a motion to accept the financial report, the second was made by Joni, the motion was approved.

Committee Reports

Sheri informed us we currently have 107 members and 11 Honorary members totaling 118 members with 20 departments. As a reminder, Sheri is going to send an email to each person/or contact one person from a department who has not paid their dues this year.

There is still time to get your nomination in for a deserving person or persons for the Auxiliary of the Year. The nominations for Auxiliary Member(s) of the Year have been extended to February 15th this year.

Carissa informed us that Zoom has to be renewed. Theresa and Carissa will renew it today.

See the article in this month’s magazine for the first reading of the proposed change to the FFAM Auxiliary By-Laws.

Poster Contest
Make sure to use the correct size poster board. Bailey suggests buying the schools the size needed, it helps stop the confusion.

No new updates. Get your convention registration in and don’t forget to book your hotel too.

New Business
Jessica had a discussion with Grant about the 2022 schedule of big events. She felt we should have at least one officer at each of these events. Our presence would be great exposure for the Auxiliary.

We could speak to what our Auxiliary is all about, drive membership, and support the FFAM. It would be great exposure for each of us as individuals also.

It was unanimous with the group for us to do it. The officers signed up for specific events.

State Fire Marshall Tim Bean visited our meeting. He shared information about several deaths recently. He was proud to announce on April 25, 2022, Missouri Division Fire Safety will be celebrating 50 years of service. Reminded us Fire Fighters Day at the capitol is coming up soon.

Jessica White made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Carissa seconded the motion. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned by Jessica Weisz at 11:25 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox; Secretary/Treasurer