Hello everyone. There are some very important details which will be outlined in another section of the magazine related to the Saturday and Sunday services October 9 and 10. Yes, they are going to proceed as we have in the past on those dates.
The line-of-duty death families were contacted and they wanted to move forward, but due to ongoing COVID concerns asked that everyone wear a mask. Your Foundation reviewed this request and has agreed that anyone attending either service will be expected to wear a mask. We can all do this and especially if we can agree on doing so together.
In other news, the new line-of-duty death support trailer has arrived after the extended delay. The custom-designed scaffolding system for the casket to hose bed assistance has been used three times before the trailer came in. Brian indicated that I should be able to share pictures of the trailer and how the inside will be set up by the next article.
The shelter/picnic area is now completed. Special thanks to Kenneth and Sherri Hoover for donating the shelter and the Village of Kingdom City for all the concrete. Each of the four picnic tables was sponsored as well. The completed project has been overdue by one year due to COVID and weather delays. Next time you need a break or are in the area, please stop in and make use of the picnic tables. The four table sponsors were Western Lewis County Fire Protection District, R-4 Fire Protection District, Little Dixie Fire Protection District, and the family of Art Smith. The shelter house is being named in his memory.
Thank you for your time and especially your support. Talk with you again in sixty days.