Welcome to the museum report. Since the May/June summary I can add additional sidewalk work for our north-side entrance, grass seed planted and tall enough to require mowing and currently working with Morton on some warranty projects. We have outlined a new strategy in our future plans for a directed focus on fundraising in completing the interior we are calling phase-II. I hope all of you were able to read the entire last article from Foundation Board Member Gail Hagans prepared in providing some history and greater insight of how things started and where we need to arrive in “Finishing this Project.”
In continuing with our introduction of your Foundation Board members, the next two people I would like to introduce our two long serving past presidents of the two primary Fire Service Organizations in the State of Missouri. They are Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters (MO Council) President Emeritus Sherwood Smith and Fire Fighters Association of Missouri (FFAM) Past President Kenneth Hoover.
Sherwood L. Smith, retired Captain serving 37-years with Kansas City Missouri FD. Sherwood was initially a Political Science major graduating in May 1978 and entered the KCMO FD Fire Academy in August 1978. He was quickly promoted from Firefighter to Fire Apparatus Operator. A Captain’s promotion followed a position he held for 26 of his 37-years with KCFD.
Sherwood became active with Missouri Council in 1999, was elected VP in 2000, and President in 2003. With the exception of a brief 2-year return to VP, Sherwood served as MO Council President from 2003 until 2019 becoming President Emeritus.
Sherwood continues to serve as the Western Legislative Aid for the MO Council in Jefferson City and has done so for the past 22-years. Sherwood has served as a Director on the Foundation for 10-years. Sherwood is married with 3-daughters and 2-sons. One daughter is currently working in emergency services as a Communications Supervisor in KCMO. His hobbies include vintage stereo equipment and related audio files.
Kenneth Hoover retired Fire Chief started his fire service career as a volunteer with the Little Dixie Fire Department in 1974. Kenny was promoted to Fire Chief in 1982 and retired in 2019 completing 45-years with 37 as Fire Chief. Kenny joined FFAM in 1996 as their District 3 Director working his way through 2nd and 1st V.P. and elected as President in 2008. He became Past President May 2021 after serving 25-years with 13 as President. Chief Hoover is the only remaining Foundation member from the original 1997 committee which planned and built the memorial. He also served as chairman after Art Smith stepped aside and until elected President of FFAM. Chief Hoover was also an adjunct instructor with University of Missouri Fire Training for 30-years holding an Instructor-III certification. He has been President of the Mexico, Missouri school board, and Missouri Association of Fire Protection Districts. Kenny is married with one daughter and two granddaughters. His hobbies have shifted from snow removal and riding lawn mower renovations to quiet lake-side sounds and sights.
If you need to contact me for questions or have ideas to share regarding the museum project call 314-709-0760 or my email address is keith.smith@warrenton-fire.org. Thank you for your time and especially your support. Talk with you again in 60-days.