Greetings! I hope this edition of our organization’s news-filled publication finds you well and ready to enjoy the upcoming summer.
It is my pleasure to acknowledge that as of the May annual meeting I received the nod to be the President of the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri. As you are no doubt aware, our organization has been around since 1954 and has a long-standing reputation of representing all fire service personnel throughout the state and more recently we have added EMS and Emergency PSAP personnel to our ranks. To be designated as the president of such an outstanding organization humbles me and it is an honor for me to be allowed to serve in this capacity.
I am closing out my 45th year as part of the Missouri fire service this summer, serving in both volunteer and career positions, and have witnessed or been a part of many changes. I have also spent time in law enforcement and conducting investigations in the private sector so like most of you I have a varied background to draw from as we embark on this new journey. I will never be one to say “I have done it all and seen it all”, but I have seen and done a few things all of which I believe I can put to some use for you as we continue to move this organization forward.
As we start down the path of my presidency it is important for you to understand this is not my organization, but it is our organization. This has been my philosophy in my home department while being chief over the past 25 years or so. I feel this is an important concept as we will all need to work together to help this organization continue to grow and prosper. We will each play a part in where our organization goes and the importance it will continue to play for the Missouri fire service. Like almost any family or other relationship, there will be times we don’t all see eye-to-eye and we won’t always like all decisions that are made. It is imperative to remember if these things take place we keep our focus on what is good for the overall health of the organization and work towards resolution and cooperation. I will always look to you, the members, for various levels of direction, but please keep in mind if you offer an idea or course of action and movement does not go in that direction immediately, it does not mean your idea or action isn’t being considered or may not be factored in during future activity, so I ask that you still offer them for consideration.
I ask each of you to take an active role in this organization. Whether it is by serving on a committee, working at the State Fair Fire Department, attending convention/annual meeting, promoting the organization in your local area, or maybe even throwing your hat in the ring to become a director or an officer, we will grow the organization together.
There are many other opportunities to support the organization and the Missouri fire service so seize the moment when you can and do what you can to make a difference.
As I close this inaugural “President’s Message” as the president-elect I express my thanks to our now immediate Past President Hoover for his many years of dedicated service to the FFAM and the Missouri fire service. Serving as a director, vice president and president, the many days and weeks spent at the Missouri State Fair Fire Department and his dedication to the memorial and museum projects Chief Hoover has spent countless hours in service to his community and our state. Thank you Chief Hoover for your dedication to and continued support of the FFAM and the Missouri fire service.
I look forward to working with each of you as we build on our organization’s rich history and continue to move into the future. Our organization is here to assist all members and make the Missouri fire service even more robust and dynamic. If I can be of assistance to you or your department please contact me. Be Safe!