Meeting called to order by President Jessica Miller at 9:01 a.m. The Colors were present and the “Pledge of Allegiance” was said by all. The devotion, “Life of a Fireman’s Wife” was given by Ann Jones from Madison West Monroe.
Members Present
Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County Fire; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Carissa Thompson, Holts Summit FD; Joni Fields, Paris FD; Ann Jones, Madison Wet Monroe FD; Robin Schrage, Jefferson R-7 FPD; Joyce Thompson, Kearney Fire & Rescue; Brenda Wright, Shelbina FPD. Attendee’s via zoom are Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; Christina Loyd, Little Dixie FPD.
Introduction of Officers
President Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; 1st Vice President Diane Wynn, Galt FD (not present); 2nd Vice President Sheri Berendzen, Cole County Fire; Secretary/Treasurer Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Historian Carissa Thompson, Holts Summit FD; Sergeant at Arms Joni Fields, Paris Rural FPD.
Theresa Cox read the 2020 convention meeting minutes. Jessica Miller asked if there were any corrections, additions, or any discussion. Sheri Berendzen stated under Elections; Diane Wynne “FDS” needs to be “FD.” Carissa Thompson made a motion to make this change and second by Sheri Berendzen. Jessica Miller asked all in favor, no opposed, motion passed.
Roll Call
Sergeant at Arms Joni Fields took roll call resulting in 9 members present and 2 members participating via zoom for a total of 11 members present, with 10 departments represented.
Treasurer’s Report
Theresa Cox reported our beginning balance from December 6, 2020, was $4,375.37. Since December income received was $225.00. Our expenses were $119.92. As of May 2, 2021, our current new balance is $4,480.45. Sheri Berendzen made a motion to accept the treasurer report as read, Carissa Thompson seconds the motion. Jessica Miller asked for all in favor, no opposed, motion passed.
Committee Reports
Sheri Berendzen reported we have 69 paid members, 11 honorary members. Theresa Cox shared the list of long-standing members and honorary members. She asked the members to look over the list and if they see any corrections, additions, or deletions please let her know. Robin Schrage informed us of the spelling for Marilyn Nagel’s last name is “Nengle.” This will be corrected. General conversations were if a member has not paid for the last year or two they need to be taken off of the list. This will be corrected.
Sheri Berendzen reported they moved the contest trailer to the museum, to protect it from possible vandals, and the weather.
Carissa Thompson is working with the media team to get the TV we purchased and installed in the bay for zoom meetings. The TV can be used during the state fair to promote information. She is also working on creating a private group for our zoom meetings and an easier way for members to join our zoom meetings. We discussed several issues with our Facebook page so Carissa will start a new Facebook page for us titled, “FFAM Auxiliary Members Group.”
Sergeant At Arms
Joni Fields stated she is reviewing the Auxiliary bylaws for needed updates. She will have drafts ready for the meetings.
Auxiliary Member of the Year
Jessica Miller read this year’s winning submission: This year’s award is being presented to a group that embodies the mission statement of the state auxiliary. They have been a great support system to their local department since their re-organization in 2006. They assist with fundraisers such as BBQs and soup dinners to help with the purchase of new equipment for the department, assist with boot drives for the burn camp for Jerry’s Kids and answer the call day or night to provide support to their firemen on fire calls. Not only do they support their local department, but they have also held other fundraisers to support the FFAM museum project. They also host the local poster contest and participate in the town’s holiday parade.
Since 2007 they have been active in the FFAM Fire Fighter Games at Convention, members have served as state officers for the FFAM Auxiliary, and individual members have been recognized as Auxiliary Members of the Year.
The Auxiliary Member of the Year Committee is pleased to present the 2021 Auxiliary Member of the Year Award to, the Little Dixie Fire Protection District Auxiliary. Accepting this award was Missy Erdel and Christine Loyd via zoom.
Poster Contest
Review the information from the FFAM Magazine to get the full details for this year’s poster contest rules. Please reach out to Jamie Miller if you have any posters or questions.
Old Business
Theresa Cox reported, for the auxiliary to open up a new bank account we had to meet certain government requirements, so the process is taking a lot longer than expected. We have the needed documents now and will open the account and get the debit cards as we decided in our last meeting. The Venmo account will be generated immediately and ready to be used as needed.
New Business
The 2021 Fire Fighters Memorial Service is scheduled for Saturday, October 9th, and Sunday, October 10th, at 10:30 a.m. Check the FFAM website for any unforeseen schedule changes.
Jefferson City will be hosting Patriot Day on the 9/11 weekend. There will be lots of fun activities for everyone. The 9/11 supporting Heroes Stair Climb is on this same weekend beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Larry Jones was working with the Washington Fire Department about hosting the 2022 Convention. More information to come as it is available.
Ann Jones presented us with a trivia game about the Auxiliary and the FFAM. You always have fun actives for us at our conventions, thank you so much, Ann.
State Fire Marshall Tim Bean joined our meeting and shared what is happening at the State level to support firefighters with cancers. He encouraged us to check out the YouTube video about several firefighters who are battling cancer.
Carissa Thompson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Sheri Berendzen. All in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD
FFAM Auxiliary Secretary-Treasurer