Per FFAM Bylaws 5/6/18 > Article V – Officers and District Directors, all Officers will be elected on a 4-year term and Directors will be elected on a 3-year term.
Officers and Directors shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by a majority vote of the duly authorized delegates at an annual convention. Nominations for office must be submitted before the convention by March 1st. Each nominee will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee to insure valid membership of the candidate before submission for election at the annual convention. Upon review, if a candidate is found to be ineligible or not in good standing with the FFAM, that nomination will be void for that year’s election. All open positions and duly approved candidates shall be posted on the FFAM website no later than March 15th. In the event no candidate is nominated or in the event that a vacancy occurs in mid-term, it shall fall upon the President to present a name for office to be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.
Standing for Officer Election in 2021 is the position of President and 2nd Vice President. These are 4-year terms which will run to the Convention of 2025. The position of President is currently held by Kenneth Hoover (Mexico MO) and has made a decision not to run again leaving this position open. 1st Vice President Larry Jennings (Warrensburg, MO) has placed his name into nomination for President of FFAM for the 4-year term of 2021-2025.
2nd Vice President Grant Oetting (Higginsville, MO) has filed for re-election of this position as 2nd Vice President of FFAM for the 4-year term of 2021-2025.
Standing for District Director Election in 2021 are the Districts of 4, 5, 9 and 10. These are 3-year terms which run from 2021 to the Convention of 2024.
District 4 currently held by Joe Vaughn (Archie, MO) has filed for re-election.
District 5 currently held by Terry Plumb (Reed Springs, MO) has filed for re-election.
District 10 currently held by Greg Brown (Eureka, MO) has filed for re-election.
District 9 currently held by Roy Sims (West Plains, MO) has made a decision not to run again. Assistant Director Kurt Wilbanks (West Plains, MO) has placed his name into nomination for District 9.
These are the only slate of names having been received by the March 1, 2021 deadline either to the Chairman of the Nomination Committee Keith Smith or FFAM Secretary Jaime Miller. Because the 2021 Convention was canceled due to ongoing challenges with COVID, the Executive and District positions will be voted on at the May Business Meeting to be held in Sedalia, MO. If anyone has any questions, please contact Keith or Jaime.
Keith Smith
20309 Cedar Court
Warrenton, MO 63383
Jaime Miller
PO Box 1153
Warrensburg, MO 64093