The nomination deadline is February 28, 2021, for Missouri Public Safety Medals honoring first responders and civilians for heroic acts performed during 2020. Less than 2 months remain for nominations for Medal of Valor, Governor’s Medal, and Public Safety Civilian Partnership Award
Missourians and the state’s first responder community faced unprecedented public health challenges in 2020 and continued to respond with heroic and lifesaving deeds to protect their fellow citizens. The Department of Public Safety is now soliciting nominations to honor first responders and civilians who went above and beyond to save lives and protect others.
The Missouri Public Safety Medals – Medal of Valor, Governor’s Medal, and the Public Safety Civilian Partnership Award – will once again be awarded for outstanding acts to protect the public and save lives. The nomination deadline for the awards honoring acts performed in 2020 is February 28, 2021. The awards are:
The Missouri Medal of Valor recognizes heroic service by first responders in an effort to save a life. The Medal of Valor is Missouri’s highest award for public safety officers and is awarded to those who exhibit exceptional courage, decisiveness, and swift action without regard for their own safety in their attempt to save a life. Law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services, state and local corrections officers, court officers, and emergency management personnel are eligible.
The Governor’s Medal recognizes extraordinary actions by an organized or ad hoc team of first responders for brave actions above and beyond the call of normal duty during a critical situation in which their teamwork was essential to the successful resolution of the situation. Law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services, state and local corrections officers, court officers, and emergency management personnel are eligible.
The Public Safety Civilian Partnership Award honors a civilian who has provided valuable or courageous assistance to first responders in an emergency situation, without regard for their own personal welfare. It may also be bestowed on a civilian or team of civilians who train public safety officers in life-saving techniques which are later utilized to save a life.
Nomination forms and additional information about the awards, including who is eligible to make a nomination, is available at There is a different nomination form for each award. All nominations must be postmarked by Feb. 28, 2021.
For award purposes, public safety officers or first responders must be individuals who serve a public agency, with or without compensation, as a firefighter, law enforcement officer, emergency responder, or emergency management personnel, including EMTs and paramedics. State and local corrections and court officers are also eligible.