
Knob Noster Fire Department • Holiday Dinner

On December 17, 2020, the Knob Noster Fire Department (KNFD) held its annual Holiday Dinner. Fire Chief Rick Johnson started off the event by saying a few words of appreciation and thanks. Knob Noster Fire Department members were in attendance, as well as immediate family members and the Mayor of Knob Noster, Adam Morton. Mayor Morton also spoke and said grace before the meal. While many of its members provided drinks and desserts, the main course was provided by town newcomer, Belly Down BBQ and was a huge hit.

This year’s holiday dinner was a little bit different than others because it was a night of promotions as well. Assistant Chief Ben Fundaburg walked to the front of the room and announced that there would be two well-deserving individuals being promoted within the department. The current Lieutenant, Tim Merrill, was promoted to Captain, a position that had an opening since Fundaburg’s promotion from Captain to Assistant Chief. Merrill has been with the KNFD since 2010 and has had a fire in his blood since he was a young child, running fire calls with his dad’s department. Lieutenant Merrill’s promotion to Captain made way for a much deserved and long-awaited promotion for Nathan McIntyre to Lieutenant. McIntyre has been with KNFD since 2018 but has served on Johnson County Fire Protection District since 2002. McIntyre also has a long line of firefighters in his family and has always had the desire to serve.

The Knob Noster Fire Department has 14 members currently and is always accepting applications from men and women with the drive to serve our great community. The Knob Noster Fire Department wants to thank everyone for all of the support while they do their best to continue “Being There.”