
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – January 2021

The meeting called to order by President Jessica Miller at 9:07 a.m.

Members Present
Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole Co FPD; Carissa Thompson, Holts Summit FPD; Joni Fields, Paris Rural FD; and Nicole Koepke, KCFD. Diane Wynne, Galt FD; and Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD attended by Zoom call.

Jessica Miller asked if there were any changes, comments, or corrections for the October 4, 2020 meeting minutes. Carissa made a motion to accept the meeting notes as written, seconded by Diane, motion passed.

Financial report
Sheri read the report with a beginning balance of $4,625.37 in our account at the closing of the October meeting. There were no deposits and a $250 expense, a sponsorship of a floor for the Fire Marshall Stair Climb, new balance of $4,375.37. Joni made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Carissa, motion passed.

It was discussed that the checkbook needs to be ready for the next meeting so that an audit can be done. When the checking account is transferred to Theresa a debit card is needed to be assigned so purchases in the future can be done easier. Joni made a motion to get a debit card, seconded by Sheri, motion passed.

Committee Reports

Theresa stated that she has no new membership info at this time. It was stated that membership dues are due December 31th and dues should start coming in January.

The 2021 convention is planned to be held April 30 through May 2, 2021, in Kearney depending on the Coronavirus.

Memorial Service
Since the services were not held in May because of the coronavirus, the service was rescheduled to October 11 at 10:30 am. The service was a virtual service video, and the video was viewed on YouTube.

Carissa reported on the raffle that was to start at the expo during the Winter Fire School is being put on hold. The expo was canceled because of the Coronavirus. Theresa made a motion to put the raffle on hold, seconded by Sheri, motion passed.

The contest equipment trailer is being stored at the new museum in Kingdom City. Sheri had nothing to report on the games at this time.

Carissa is working on getting the Facebook page going. She set up a Zoom account so those that cannot attend will be able to in the future by virtual. She informed us about the features included with having a Zoom account. The cost is $149.99 a year and we will review to see if we should keep the Zoom account or go with a different meeting virtual account. Joni made a motion to purchase the Zoom and then review it at the next October meeting, seconded by Carissa, motion passed.

Joni talked about a few changes to the by-laws that were discussed.

Auxiliary Member or Auxiliary of the year
Jessica stated that was no new info currently.

Poster contest
No new info available currently.

Old Business
No old business to report on.

New Business
Representative Rusty Black came and talked to the FFAM and then came and talked to the Auxiliary

Carissa made a motion to adjourn the meeting and second by Sheri. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. The next meeting will be on January 31st in Sedalia, Missouri at 9:00 a.m., the usual Sunday conflicts with Winter Fire School.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sheri Berendzen
Cole County FPD
FFAM Auxiliary 2nd Vice President 2020-2021