
News From District 11 – November 2020

Greetings from District 11. Hopefully, everyone has had a wonderful year thus far, even though we all have been dealing with the current events and new ways to respond to our citizens we serve.

On October 26, 2020, Director Thompson, Assistant Director Smith, and myself were honored to present Chief White and the Mayview Fire Department with the Fire Department of the Year award. This award goes to a fire department/district that best exemplifies leadership in the fire service through commitment to excellence, progressiveness, and service to their community. The Mayview Fire Department has shown the following values used to determine the winner. Dedication. The department has demonstrated the highest degree of dedication and participation to the citizens they serve and the fire service in general. Including progressive fire suppression practices. Loyalty. The department has demonstrated allegiance to its community and its personnel through improvements in the working environment, equipment, facilities, and training. Productivity. The department members have gone beyond normal expectations to make visible improvements that have enhanced the department’s ability to reduce fire losses. To better serve the community, including public fire prevention programs, inspections, and other public relations activities. Professionalism. The department performs its fire service duties in a manner that exemplifies the competency that reflects the highest standards of the fire service and regularly demonstrates a high level of professionalism to the public. Commitment. The department has made the commitment to its citizens and the neighboring departments to better their working relationships and function well under all circumstances.

It is that time a year again. Time to renew your membership with the FFAM and continue to get the benefits, and be eligible for FFAM grants and perks. Unfortunately, the COVID of 2020 has hindered several member’s abilities to attend conferences and other recruitment drive opportunities. I ask, which is mirrored from every director and their assistants from across the state, please help us serve you. If you or your department have any questions, or have a neighboring department that has questions, please reach out to one of us as we want to be involved. Help every Missouri department/district remember that everyone is invited and encouraged to come to Sedalia for the bi-monthly meetings. We would love to see departments come to interact and become involved. The December meeting is at 9:00 a.m. on the 6th, located at the firehouse on the state fairgrounds. I hope all of you have a safe and wonderful holiday season. If anybody needs anything, please reach out to one of us, and we will be glad to help or answer any questions you or your department may have.

Fire Department of the Year awarded to the Mayview Fire Department.