
New 3000 Gallon Tanker For Cole County FPD

The Cole County Fire Protection District has received a new 3000-gallon tanker manufacturer by Danko Emergency Equipment. The tanker took ten months to produce. This is the first large purchase since the voters in Cole, Miller, and Osage counties approved a tax increase for the district. This is the first tax increase since the district was formed in April 1993. As promised, the tanker will replace a 35-year-old piece of equipment. As funds become available the District will continue to replace trucks that are over ten years old.

The tanker will be stationed at Station 4 on Monticello Road which gives the tanker versatility to respond to any part of the District in a timely matter. The tanker will enhance the ability to deliver much-needed water to rural areas with no fire hydrants. The tanker can dump the full 3000 gallons in two minutes into a 3000-gallon portable tank, which came with the tanker. The new tanker will complement the District’s fleet of tankers to provide much-needed water on a fire scene. We will continue to be progressive when purchasing equipment for the firefighters to protect the citizens in the District.