Past Presidents Kim Voss, Beaufort-Leslie Fire, and Chris Turner, Warrenton FPD report the slate of officers recommended for 2020-2022 as follows, 2-year term, and can extend duties another 2 years for the same position:
Nomination for President: Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD
Nomination for 1st Vice President: Diane Hanes, Galt FPD
Nomination for 2nd Vice President: Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD
Nomination for Secretary-Treasurer: Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD
Nomination for Sergeant at Arms: Joni Fields, Paris FPD
Nomination for Historian: Carissa Thompson, Holt-Summit FPD
This will be presented at the August meeting due to the postponement of the FFAM Convention this year. You are encouraged to make it to the meeting to ensure your vote!