
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – July 2020

Meeting called to order by First Vice President Jessica Miller at 9:00 a.m.

Members Present
Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole Co FPD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FPD; Joyce Thompson, Kearney Fire and Rescue; Joni Fields, Paris Rural Fire Protection District.

Jessica Miller asked if there were any changes, comments, or corrections for the February 2, 2020 meeting minutes. Ann Jones made a motion to accept the meeting notes as written, seconded by Theresa Cox, motion passed.

Financial report
Sheri Berendzen read the report with a total of $4,510.37 in our account at the closing of the February meeting. There were five deposits for a total of $315.00 and four expenses for a total of $1,112.00, with a new balance of $4,510.37. Joyce Thompson made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Joni Fields, motion passed.

Committee Reports

Theresa Cox reported a new auxiliary joined, Mayview Auxiliary. There is now a total of 98 active auxiliary members and 11 honoraries currently.

Theresa reported that we still have a few auxiliaries that have not paid their dues this year and she is planning on reaching out to those auxiliaries.

Auxiliary Member or Auxiliary of the year
Jessica Miller stated that they had someone picked out to receive the award since the convention has been canceled the person(s) will be put on hold until next year.
Poster contest
Diane Wynne was not available to give a report. She doesn’t know what to do with the posters that were done for this year.

This year convention was rescheduled for July 10-12, 2020. Now the convention is canceled because of COVID-19. Waiting to hear from the FFAM to see where it will be next year.

Sheri had no info to report on.

No info to report on.

Old Business
The cooler that was purchased for the convention drawing will be saved for next year’s convention drawing.

Joni Fields said she and Carrisa Mueller have been talking to business owners and have lots of donated items for the convention silent auctions. These items will be held onto for next year’s convention.

Sheri Berendzen has the new name tags and they will be given out to the new officers.

Jessica Miller has the tablecloths, they will be stored until next year’s convention.
Ann Jones has copies of the new by-laws if anyone needs a copy.

New Business
Sheri Berendzen reported that $125 was made from the sale of fundraiser items at winter expo.

Since the convention was canceled the election of officers has been postponed until another board meeting.

Jessica Miller stated that we need to find out what the FFAM was going to do about their elections. It was discussed that the list of new officers being considered needs to be published in the newsletter.

Tim Bean introduced the new Mutual Aid Coordinator, Eric Hartman. Tim also spoke on budget cuts being made and why.

Ann Jones made a motion to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Joyce Thompson. The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be August 2 at 9:00 am in Sedalia, MO.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sheri Berendzen
Cole County FPD
FFAM Auxiliary Secretary-Treasurer