
2020 FFAM Equipment Grant

In 2019, the FFAM offered a reimbursable equipment grant program as a benefit for FFAM member agencies for the first time. Forty FFAM member agencies submitted applications for the total $3,000 available for the entire program and three agencies were awarded $1,000 grants in the inaugural year. With the exceptional number of applications in 2019, the FFAM Awards Committee, who is tasked with overseeing the grant application process and awarding the grant, requested additional funding for 2020.

The 2020 budget allocated $5,000 to be available for the equipment grant program. 32 agencies submitted applications for the 2020 grant with these agencies having budgets ranging from nearly no guaranteed annual funding to nearly $15 million. As the Awards Committee reviewed the applications, it was determined four $1,000 grants and two $500 grants would be awarded to at least partially fund the awarded projects.

The FFAM Awards Committee is proud to announce the 2020 FFAM Equipment Grant awards:

  • Fair Grove Fire Protection District, Fair Grove, MO – $500
  • Higbee Area Fire Protection District, Higbee, MO – $1,000
  • Matthews Volunteer Fire Department, Matthews, MO – $1,000
  • Paris Rural Fire Protection District, Paris, MO – $1,000
  • Park Hills Fire Department, Park Hills, MO – $500
  • Urbana Rural Fire District, Inc., Urbana, MO – $1,000

Begin planning your applications for the 2021 grant process. Applications are due May 1, 2021, with the award(s) being made on or before July 1, 2021. As a reminder, agencies must meet FFAM membership requirements which include being FFAM members for the grant application year and the previous calendar year. If your agency is interested in applying in 2021, you must ensure the agency is a 2020 and 2021 member. For more information on the FFAM Equipment Grant, visit www.ffam.org/benefits.