
Iberia Rural FPD Awards Dinner

On January 22, 2020 the Iberia Rural Fire Protection District hosted the 2019 Firefighter Appreciation Dinner. Jamie Rodden and Alan Blomberg were recognized for 25 years of service. Nathan Duncan was also recognized for 10 years of service and voted the Firefighter of the Year by his peers. Chief Onstott reported the fire district had 335 calls for service in 2019. A listing of the calls are as follows: 10 structure fire, 20 motor vehicle accidents, 9 vehicle/equipment fire, 4 natural cover fire, 230 first responder (medical emergencies), 1 missing person search, 4 carbon monoxide, 3 propane leak/liquid spill, 1 power line down, 29 person in distress, 24 other or miscellaneous emergencies.