
The Foundation Update – November 2019

The Funeral Assistance Team is in the process of adding two new and larger trailers to better accommodate weight and length of inventory. Both will be replacing existing equipment and better suited for cross state and occasionally out of state assistance. Brain has wrapped up registering and titling, next steps are custom lettering followed by the change-over of equipment. Both could be in service by December 1. In the next newsletter we will have pictures of the two new trailers and Brian will provide a wrap-up of this project, a summary of their work for 2019 and his thoughts and comments regarding 2020.

As 2019 nears conclusion, the Foundation begins the annual focus in gathering information on those who have served and passed in 2019 and those we may have missed in 2018. The 2020 Services will be held May 16-17. The Candlelight Service is May 16 at 9:00 p.m. or dark which ever comes later. The Sunday Morning Service on May 17, will start at 10:30 a.m. Regardless of weather, both services will be held at the memorial grounds. Services will be held outside around the service walls if weather cooperates or inside of the museum if weather does not.

If you have a loved one or know of someone who has passed we need to know. I will gladly accept dozens of duplicate notifications rather than miss anyone deserving of honors. The Foundation uses a three year guideline in accepting those for honors. For this service, those who have passed in 2019 and those we may have missed which passed in 2018 or 2017. Also, if the family elects to do so, we will recognize January through March of 2020, versus waiting another for the 2021 services. Due to logistics, we cannot offer April of 2020.

Please contact me at keith.smith@warrenton-fire.org or 314-709-0760. If you are planning on sending pictures, call me! I will direct you to a different email address at keith.smith1974@yahoo.com. You may also send or contact Jamie Miller at ffam.jmiller@gmail.com.

Those of you which are interested in engraving on either the service wall or bricks. We need to have your information by March 1. The final work-up goes to the engraver April 1. Forms can be downloaded from the FFAM website. Service wall recognition requires ten years in the fire service as a firefighter, not continuous and not all in Missouri. The brick pavers can recognize anyone or anything providing it is consistent within the theme of honors. If you have any questions regarding engraving, please contact Doc Kritzer at doc_kritzer@yahoo.com or 573-220-3536.

The Foundation would like to wish you and ours a safe and joyous Thanksgiving!