
Heroes of the Storm Receive Awards

Deputy Chief Steve Barnes, Captain Alan Braun, Lieutenants Gary Braun and Justin Braun were honored with the Heroes of the Storm award. On May 22, 2019, at approximately 11:00 p.m., Deputy Chief Steve Barnes radioed to Jefferson City Central dispatch that his home had just been hit by the tornado. Through his home received damage and could not move his vehicle, he asked a neighbor, who is a CCFPD Board member, to drive him to Headquarters Station to coordinate all the incoming alarms for assistance.

Just minutes later the tornado struck Donnie Braun and Sons complex. Captain Alan Braun, and Lieutenant Justin Braun responded to Headquarters Station to help with the incoming alarms for assistance even though their livelihood has been destroyed. Lieutenant Gary Braun stayed at the business to evaluate the damage. The award they are holding is part of a tree that was destroy in the tornado.