
Jr Firefighters Participate in Training Academy

The Johnson County Fire Protection District hosted eight of the District’s Junior Firefighters for an all-day academy on August 2, 2019, at the District Headquarters in Warrensburg. The academy provided one-on-one training opportunities for each participant. The academy focused on enhancing basic firefighting skills which included personal protective equipment and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) donning, an SCBA confidence course, forcible entry, fire behavior, hose line deployment, and advancing and flowing hose lines. The District’s Junior Firefighter Program has been active since 1999 and allows youth 14 to 17 years old to participate in District activities which include trainings and response to emergency incident scenes in a supporting role. The District currently has 11 participants and has had a positive influence on area youth including many participants who moved on to become firefighters after turning 18 years old.