Well, it is over. That’s right Convention 2019 has come and gone and all that is left is some nifty shirts and memories. It was the pleasure of the FFAM Board of Directors to serve as host for the 2019 Convention and we hope each attendee had an enjoyable experience.
Returning to familiar territory, the event was held on the beautiful grounds of the Missouri State Fair, home too many of our members for 11 days a year during the State Fair. We were fortunate enough to have decent weather and made it through the entire weekend without rain, torrential winds or snow, all of which have blessed the convention on various other occasions.
As others will be providing additional details about the Convention throughout this edition let it suffice to say the fire fighter challenge contest and awards banquet went well. We tried something a little different this year and included a Friday evening meal as part of the registration fee. We put together a pretty tasty picnic style meal and were able to accommodate almost everyone’s dietary needs for the evening.
In true FFAM fashion almost everyone there pitched in and helped when help was needed making the event move along smoothly. Without trying to thank each donor or each person or group that helped in some way the committee would simply like to say thank you to everyone that had some part in making this year’s convention another successful event.
If you haven’t already heard, the Kearney Fire & Rescue Protection District is hard at work planning for the 2020 Convention. Get it on your calendars and plan to attend May 1-3, 2020. More information can be found at FFAM2020.eventbrite.com.
We hope each person had an enjoyable time and we hope to see you again next year. If you didn’t get the opportunity to attend, make plans now for 2020 and join members of the fire service from all over the state as we gather to learn, renew friendships, establish new friendships and conduct the business of the organization.