
News From District 2 – JAN 2019

Hello from District 2. Many of our fire departments in district 2 had Christmas dinners in December. Congratulation to all the firefighters that were recognized for their awards and for their years of service. 

Some deadlines are coming up very quickly for scholarships and awards from the FFAM. They will be handed out at this year’s FFAM Conference in April. Sedalia will be the home this year for the conference and I believe it will be one of the best yet. The cost to attend is one of the lowest that I can remember. Make sure you have got your team signed up for the competitions on Saturday.

We learned at our last FFAM meeting that our FFAM president, Chief Hoover is retiring from Little Dixie Fire Protection District in Mexico, MO. Chief Hoover has been a strong voice for firefighters and departments for many years. We wish him the very best on his retirement. Congratulations and thank you Chief.

As you may know, ambulance districts may join the FFAM. I wish to welcome in my district the Lewis County Ambulance District for being the first ambulance district in my area to be a member of the FFAM. 

Do not forget to mark your calendar for May 19-20, 2019, for the Missouri Firefighter memorial weekend. Candlelight services are Saturday night and the memorial service is on Sunday.

Till next time, be safe.