Vice President Larry Jennings called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri to order at 9:00 a.m., Sunday, October 7, 2018, at the Missouri State Fair Fire Department in Sedalia, Missouri. Vice President Jennings led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Board of Directors and other officials:
First Vice President Larry Jennings, Johnson County FPD; Secretary Treasurer Jaime Miller, Johnson County FPD #2; Sergeant-at-Arms Rex Reynolds, Southern FPD of Holt County.
District 1, Terry Wynne, Galt FPD; District 2, Greg Wright, Shelbina FD; District 6, Gary Berendzen, Cole Co FPD; District 9, Roy Sims, West Plains FD; District 10, Greg Brown, Eureka FPD.
Assistant Directors
District 1, Janet Cain, Braymer Fire and Rescue; District 3, Steve Gentry, Rob Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; District 11, Ryan Miller, Norborne FPD; District 14, Glen Dittmar, Dearborn Area FPD.
Past President Keith Smith, Warrenton Fire Protection District.
Greg Carrell, Missouri Division of Fire Safety; Gail Hagans, MU FRTI; Dee Bennett, Johnson County FPD; Timothy Mattox, Billy Smith, North Central Carrol FPD; Ethan Ralls, Hale Fire; Brooke Harp, Mooresville FPD; Rebecca Stumpf, Roxanne Dean, California Casualty.
Vice President Jennings asked for additions to the agenda. Greg Brown moved to accept the agenda as presented. Terry Wynne seconded the motion and all approved.
Vice President Jennings asked for additions or corrections to the August 5, 2018, minutes. Ryan Miller moved to accept the minutes as presented. Roy Sims seconded the motion and all approved.
Financial Report
Vice President Jennings asked for a review of the August 2018 financial report. Glen Dittmar moved to accept the financial report presented. Gary Berendzen seconded the motion and all approved.
Report of Officers and Special Guest(s)
Gail Hagans with MU FRTI reported that Kevin Zumwalt has been officially appointed as the director.
The Missouri Emergency Services Instructors Conference will be the first weekend in November and they are still accepting registrations.
September 19, O’Fallon FPD donated a structural fire training prop. It will soon be available to all departments for training.
Greg Carrell with Missouri Division of Fire Safety advised that there was a LODD in El Dorado Springs last week.
Sandy Karsten has been appointed as the Missouri Director of Public Safety. There have been many changes happening within the Department of Public Safety.
There will be upcoming inspector classes in Kansas City, Springfield and St. Louis and the IFSAC accreditation is coming up.
There is an investigator position open with the Division.
Unfinished Business
New Business
Rebecca Stumpf and Roxanne Dean with California Casualty provided a program overview as the status of the California Casualty’s program for the FFAM.
Vice President Jennings presented a proposal received regarding membership outreach and individual director social media pages. Discussion followed. The Board advised that social media posts should remain central to the FFAM page for now and that directors/assistant directors who would like to share information with members should do so through the FFAM page.
Committee Reports
Awards Committee
Larry Jennings that nominations are due February 28, 2019, and can be submitted at any time.
Budget Committee
Larry Jennings reported budget requests are due today and the committee will be working on the 2019 budget.
Bylaws Committee
No report was given.
Chaplain Committee
Gail Hagans reported that the Federation of Fire Chaplain’s annual meeting will be October 14-18, in Fort Worth, Texas. The Missouri Fire Chaplain Corp’s annual meeting was held September 9-10, in Springfield. There will also be two chaplain related courses available at the 2019 Winter Fire School.
Contest Committee
Rob Erdel reported that the parking lot for next year’s contest has been secured and they are looking for suggestions on how to get more teams involved.
Convention Committee
Larry Jennings advised that the 2019 convention forms are in each director packet and will soon be available on the FFAM website.
Education Committee
No report was given.
Fire Prevention Committee
A reminder that the poster contest rules are on the FFAM website and all posters are due the Friday night of convention.
Legislative Committee
Greg Brown reported that the Missouri Fire Service Alliance would be meeting October 18. Many topics will be discussed including training funding, minimum fire fighter standards, presumptive cancer legislation. This is an opportunity to start talking with your local state representatives regarding fire legislation.
Membership Committee
Vice President Jennings reported the following membership counts: 472 Directors/Councilman; 280 Retired; 24 Associate; 13 Sustaining; 19 Corporate, 347 Departments; 6409 Active; 11 Educational; 90 Juniors.
Nomination Committee
Keith Smith advised that the 1st VP, Secretary/Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms and District 2, 6, 8 and 12 Directors positions are all up for election in 2019.
NVFC Committee
Keith Smith reported that for those applying for Assistance to Firefighter Grants (AFG), keep in mind that gear and equipment, such as extractors, are separate items on the grant application. Extractors should be separate from PPE requests.
There is also discussion that if you have applied for an AFG for the past three years and have not received a grant, you may get special consideration for the following year’s application.
Discussion is now being held concerning school safety issues and how it meets the fire code.
The Lavender Ribbon Report, relating to firefighter cancer, is now available online. Anyone who would like hard copy may contact NVFC.
Scholarship Committee
Larry Jennings reported on behalf of Larry Eggen that scholarship applications are due by February 28, 2019.
State Fair Committee
No report was given.
Website Committee
No report was given.
The deadline for the next newsletter will be November 1, 2018.
Historian report
No report was given.
Funeral Team report
No report was given.
Foundation report
Keith Smith reported that they are now partners with a Morton Buildings estimator and architect to move forward on the museum projection.
The Missouri State Fair Fire Department donated $380 to the museum project and $380 to the EMS Foundation.
There is also a firefighter museum Facebook page where people are able to donate to the project. Gail Hagans advised that there is also now an Amazon Smiles account and for every purchase made through the Amazon Smiles firefighter museum site, a ½% of the purchase is donated back to the project.
He is working on collecting names for the 2019 service. Deaths from 2016-2018 are still eligible to be recognized at the service and there is no date limit on LODD recognitions.
Glen Dittmar moved to adjourn the meeting. Roy Sims seconded the motion and all approved.
Vice President Jennings adjourned the meeting at 10:45 a.m.
Jaime Miller
Fire Fighters Association of Missouri