
News From District 11 – July 2018

Greetings from the west side of the state! I am hoping that everyone is having a fantastic summer thus far.

I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself as the second assistant director for District 11. I am incredibly grateful and humbled for this opportunity and hope to serve you all well.

I started my fire service journey in the winter of 2008 as a volunteer with the  Edgerton Trimble Fire Protection District (2008-2012). There I was introduced to the FFAM organization by Chief R. Deckman. Eventually I served with the combination staffed fire districts of Smithville Area Fire Protection District in 2015, Plattsburgh Fire Protection District from 2015-2016, and Pleasant Valley Fire Department. I was granted a full time career opportunity with the Kansas City Missouri Fire Department in the winter of 2011 under the leadership of Retired Chief R. “Smokey” Dyer. Currently I am assigned to a squad company within the organization.

As a FFAM member this will be my fourth year attending and working the Missouri State Fair which is August 9-19.

Since 2008 I’ve become more involved with promoting FFAM and the mission we strive for. As of May 2018, District 11 Director Monty Thompson, from the Kearney Fire Protection District graciously appointed me to the assistant director filling the second vacancy of District 11. I look forward to working along side with Director Thompson and Assistant Director Ryan Miller in serving the fire protection districts and departments within the Platte, Clay, Jackson, Ray, Lafayette, Carroll, and Saline counties that make up our wonderful District 11.

If you have any questions, or would like me to come visit your organization, or attend a benefit training etc. Please contact me via email at ffamdistrict11@yahoo.com and I’ll do my best to accommodate around my shift schedule. My contact info can be found on ffam.org under the officers/district link.

As a reminder we are getting into the heat of summer and I encourage each of you to stay hydrated and watch your fellow brother and sisters while training and when on calls. If anyone from my district is attending the fair in Sedalia, Missouri, in August, I encourage you to come to the firehouse by the rabbit barn introduce yourself and the department you are with.

Other news out of District 11; I have been able to evaluate several regional fire academy classes that have finished up with a total of forty-two newly trained firefighters from those courses that are eligible to test with the Division of Fire Safety for certification.

Best regards and have a safe summer.