
Missouri State Fair Fire Department Request

It’s getting to be that time of the year again. Keeping true to the motto of the Missouri State Fair Fire Department,  “Mutual Aid at its Best,” we are once again requesting donations of EMS supplies for the 2018 operations. As some of you know this winter we experienced a significant loss of supplies when a water pipe burst and flooded our supply closet.

Due to the nature of our operation being eleven days a year, the flooding was not found until several days after the pipe burst. The water damage resulted in a catastrophic loss of supplies. Supplies lost include all of our airway supplies, all of our bandaging equipment for bleeding control, Emergency OB kits, and other miscellaneous supplies. Being a volunteer organization we rely on donated supplies to provide a quality of care that the patrons of the fair have come to expect with an EMS response or in first aid for treatment.

Listed below are the supplies that we lost and need to replace for our 2018 operation.

Bleeding Control

Multi Trauma Dressing


5×9 ABD Pads

4×4 Gauze Pads

2×2 Gauze Pads

6” Kerlix

4” Kerlix

2” Kerlix

Triangle Bandages

Ace Wrap Bandage

CAT Tourniquets

Quick Clot Gauze

6” Olaes Bandage


Combi Tubes

Adult NRB Mask

Adult BVM

Adult Nebulizer Mask Kit

Adult Nasal Cannula

Pediatric BVM

EtCO2 Cannula

In-Line EtCO2


Oropharyngeal airways

Nasopharyngeal airways

Suction Tubing

Suction Tubing with Yaunker


(Adult and Children)




Anti-itch cream

Baby Aspirin

Triple Antibiotic Ointment

Assessment Supplies




Sharps Containers

IV Supplies

OB Kits

They say that it takes a village to raise a child, well it also takes support from our members and agencies across the state to make the operation at the State Fair a success. Through donations of supplies and personnel donating their time to come work we are able to provide a high quality professional service and be the best boots on the ground for the patrons of the fair.