
State Fair Fire Department

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all who worked and donated services and time to make a successful fair this year. There were 48 departments represented with 662 total personnel working the fair activities during the 12 days we were in service for an average work force of 55 each day.

The inspection crew installed 181 batteries in the facilities smoke detectors and CO alarms and completed 151 inspections. They flowed, flushed and marked all 29 fire hydrants in 220 hours prior and during the fair. The EMS calls this year were 138 at the start of the last Sunday and we had 206 walk-ins to the first aid station.

The fire crews responded to all events for standby and completed several demonstrations for the public. We had 3 live fire demonstrations for fire extinguishers. The first Saturday of the fair had record attendees at the fire house and we stayed out for two and a half hours showing proper usage of fire extinguishers to the fairgoers. The extrication demonstration is always popular with the crowds as they get a close up view of what they see too often on the side of the road as they are driving by. We made sure to remind the crowds to slow down and give anyone on the side of the road their full attention and let us complete our duties safely so we can all return home safely.

Daily we had crews at the station giving vehicle and station tours and visiting about fire safety education. We enjoyed working with the State of Missouri Fire Marshall’s office as they were next to our station promoting fire safety and service. It is one of the highlights of the fair to get to sit in an ambulance or fire truck. The 1929 engine was very popular this year with the young and old to compare to the new trucks. We drove it around the fairgrounds several times a day for all to enjoy. Sparky and Smokey the Bear were the hit of the day every time they walked around the grounds and were transported in the 1929 for a ride. We enjoyed giving the Missouri Department of Agriculture Chris Chinn her first ride in the 1929 fire truck around the fairgrounds as well as the 2017 Missouri State Fair Queen Natalie Ayers.

Please make plans to attend the 2018 Missouri State Fair in August next year and volunteer to support the FFAM and the fire department. This is our biggest impression for both organizations and is a lot of fun and satisfaction while doing a huge public service to our organization and the State of Missouri. Thanks to all and we look forward to seeing you next year.