
President’s Remarks – September 2017

Schools are back in session or soon will be and we are all winding down all of our summer activities and vacations. It has been a very busy summer for many of us.

I again had the opportunity to be at the State Fair Fire Department during the state fair and pleasure of seeing many old friends and the opportunity to visit with many of our legislators. It is always encouraging to see so many firefighters and EMS personnel from all over the state come together to serve the fair goers. My personal thanks go out to each of you for your professionalism, commitment and faithfulness to FFAM. This was another great fair. The weather provided a few storms but very little damage, a couple of canceled concerts, but other than that, it was pretty smooth. Again this year there were several new firefighter and EMS personnel. It is very encouraging to work with new people and see the excitement in their face and their willingness to work so hard. Great job everyone.

Congratulations to all of the personnel receiving awards. These will be identified in another article by our PIO, Battalion Chief Larry Eggen.

I understand that there were many donations of food and supplies. Thank you to all that donated. This helps the fire department accomplish its goals of outstanding service to the patrons of the fair.

As president of the FFAM, I want to thank each director and assistant director that came to the fair to work and give of their time and talents, or to just visit and encourage everyone.

I appreciate Fire Marshal Tim Bean for being present many days and also for having a large number of his staff there working and teaching fire prevention.

We were honored on Legislators Day with a visit from the governor and other legislators. All of them promised to support the fire service of Missouri. Thank you.

I want to personally thank Chairperson Monty Thompson for his leadership to the FFAM State Fair Fire Department Committee. Monty always does an excellent job. His many years of service to the state fair are invaluable. Thanks also to Charlie Neubert, who was honored for his forty years of service to the State Fair Fire Department. As well as, Steve Gentry and Rick Dozier for all of their hours preparing and serving as commissioners.

Chief Donnie Rogers also did an excellent job again this year with his command staff and personnel, as did Chef RB Brown, Chef Angie Fields and Chef Joyce Thompson and their kitchen staff and duty personnel.

Donnie Rogers has been asked to serve as the fire chief again for the 2018 fair.

The list just goes on and on so I am going to thank each one of you that served in any way. We could not provide this vital service without each of you. Thanks for volunteering your time and talents.

Many fall activities are approaching concerning the fire service and I would like to remind everyone of the assistance that FFAM can provide. FFAM Director RB Brown of the Eureka and Union Fire Protection Districts heads up our Fire Prevention Committee and is available to assist you with ideas or any other issues you may encounter as Fire Prevention Week is quickly approaching. RB will talk about his poster contest in another article.

As we head into the fall season, I ask each of you to use caution and practice safe response habits. We do not want to see or hear of any other tragedies from our brother and sister firefighters. It seems like every day we hear of someone being injured. Stay safe my friends.

We have already had several line-of-duty-deaths this year so please be careful everyone. We all need to go home, at the end of the day!

And last but not least, as we again approach September, let us never forget that horrible day of September 11, 2001. Today, I say a special prayer for each firefighter, police officer and EMS personnel throughout our country. I ask each of you to please do the same.

I will keep my article short this issue as I have asked several others to write, informing you of their activities and success these past few months.

As always, please contact me with any thoughts or issues you may have.

Kenneth Hoover
Fire Fighters Association of Missouri