
A Message From the 2nd Vice President – September 2017

Greetings FFAM membership. I hope this finds everyone doing well. The FFAM has had some very busy times since our last newsletter. The Missouri State Fair Fire Department just completed another year of service to the patrons of the State of Missouri, the hotel for our next convention has been booked in St Joseph and, committees have been meeting to address items that have been given to them to help with the future of the FFAM.

The Missouri State Faire Fire Department just finished another great year. They answered 146 total calls, 144 of them were EMS calls or standbys and 2 fire calls, one of which was a structure fire at a concession stand that had a grease fire. The public relations department for the fair was really busy this year, they handed out materials describing the FFAM, they dressed up as Smoky the Bear and Sparky the Fire Dog, which was a big hit with the children , they did fire extinguisher demos, which were also a huge hit with children. One day they were out doing this for 2 hours, as kids kept coming up, and they also handed out public relations materials donated by the Jefferson City Fire Department. Thank you Larry Eggan of the Johnson County Fire Protection District for heading this up, you did a amazing job.

Congratulations to all the award members this year: Benjamin Burd, Johnson County Fire Protection District, Dispatcher of the Year; Dylan Honea, Southern Stone Protection District, Firefighter for the Year; Jacob Wade, Johnson County Ambulance District, Co EMS Person of the Year; Carissa Mueller, Holt Summit Fire Protection District, Co EMS Person of the Year.

Thank you to all the kitchen staff, that supplied 3 meals a day to a average of 100 people each meal, the meals were amazing. I know I heard many good comments about the meals. Keep up the great work as I know this is a big undertaking.

A thank you is also in order for inspections department, they installed over 100 smoke detectors and also 100 fire extinguishers thru out the fairgrounds and even made maps of the midway for the responders so they could find their scene better. Kudos to Larry Jones and his staff. They are top notch.

Thanks are also is in order to all the men and women that responded to all the calls for service. They answered the call without delay, without these people we could not do it. So again, thank you for all your help! You are a true blessing for the organization .

The host hotel for our 2018 convention has been announced it is Stoney Creek Inn in St Joseph. They have 110 rooms available. The dates for the convention are May 4-6. They can be reached at 816-901-9600. Details for the convention are still coming. Hope to see everyone there.

At the Missouri State Fair, the education committee was asking for ideas for trainings to be held next year, if you have any ideas please contact Chairman Rick Dozier. He would love to hear from you.

As I have said in my last articles, I am always open to hear from the membership on how we can increase membership numbers and what the FFAM can do better to serve you and our departments.  I have heard from some of you already but I am always open to hear more. I can be reached at grant_oetting@yahoo.com.

If you would like for me to also attend one of your department fund raisers or events, you can also contact me by email at grant_oetting@yahoo.com.

Until next time.