Greetings from the State Fire Marshal’s Office
In this life we recall a number of firsts. Well, for me this is a first as your newly appointed State of Missouri Fire Marshal. On January 8, at the St. Louis Fire Department headquarters, with the wind blowing and snow falling I was blessed with the position of State Fire Marshall and I’d like to take this time to thank God for opening this door in my life, and I look for his guidance while serving in this capacity. I appreciate and thank Governor Greitens for his faith in me to lead the Division of Fire Safety into the future.
My first day on the job was January 13, and I hit the ground running. I was so graciously welcomed by the thirteenth floor team. I have used the old saying several times, “It’s like drinking out of a fire hose.” I am very excited about the future of your Division of Fire Safety.
My first thirty days is going to be meeting each team member in the Division and putting names and faces together. I have spent several hours at the state capital meeting and greeting our state senators. In the near future, I will go before the senate for confirmation.
On Friday the 17th of February, Becky Trapani was promoted to Division Chief of the Training Division. We are excited for her, and what she and her team will do for education and training going forward.
Greg Dickens was promoted the latter part of January to Division Chief of Inspections. Greg has been an inspector in the Republic area for the last twelve years. We feel Greg will do a good job with his new responsibilities.
We are very busy working with the legislative body each day. We would invite you to come to Jefferson City and join us as we work at the Capitol. It is a great learning experience, and will give you a better understanding on how your state government operates. Feel free to give us a call and we will set up a good time to visit or you can email me at .
This has also been a time of loss for our fire service. Our hearts go out to the Kansas City Fire Department with the loss of Battalion Chief Thomas G. Byrne, who passed away on February 11, after a battle with cancer. Our hearts also go out to the Galt Fire Protection District, on the loss of Cindy Gott, a personal friend of mine, and a great friend of the fire service as a whole. Keep those departments, families and friends in your thoughts and prayers.
Firefighter Day at the Capitol is April 5, please plug that day into your calendars. This is a great day to visit the state capitol and visit your Senators and Representatives. When you are done there, we would enjoy you coming and visiting our team on the thirteenth floor.
Another event to mark on your iphone or android is in June. We will be celebrating our 45th anniversary of the Division. We are in the planning stages now, but will very soon be coming up with a hard date. We would really like for you to attend and show your support of the Division. We plan on having a fun event.
J. Tim Bean
State Fire Marshal
Missouri Division of Fire Safety