
Convention Time!

As you all are probably aware by now the 2017 FFAM Convention is just around the corner. Hopefully by the time you are reading this you have already submitted your registration, made your lodging reservations and have made plans to join us in Sedalia, April 21-23. We plan to have a great convention and it will only be better if you each can join us as we visit with old friends, make new friends, take part in some friendly competition and conduct the official business of the FFAM.

We are offering four training opportunities this year so those attending can enhance their knowledge and skills. Certified Fire and Ambulance District Board Training and Strategies of Leadership: Recruiting and Retaining Emergency Service Volunteers will both be offered. Additionally, we are offering a four-hour Pipeline Association of Missouri Emergency Response training on Friday morning and a two-hour Introduction to Public Safety Officer Benefits training on Friday afternoon. All you need to do is register for the training(s) of your choice and you will be good to go. All trainings are scheduled to end early enough to allow you an opportunity to visit the various vendors that will be present in the Mathewson Exhibition Center.

We all hope you have made plans to join us and we look forward to seeing each of you on the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia in April.