President Kenneth Hoover called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri to order at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, December 4, 2016 at the Missouri State Fair Fire Department in Sedalia, MO.
Roll Call of Board of Directors
President Kenneth Hoover, Little Dixie FPD; First Vice President Tim Bean, West Plains FD; Secretary/Treasurer Jaime Miller, Johnson County FPD.
Board of Directors
District 2, Greg Wright, Shelbina FD; District 3, Larry Jones, Madison West Monroe FPD; District 5, Terry Plumb, Southern Stone FPD; District 6, Gary Berendzen, Cole County FPD; District 7, RB Brown, Eureka FPD; District 9, Roy Sims, West Plains FD; District 11, Monty Thompson, Kearney FPD.
Assistant Directors
District 1, Janet Cain, Braymer FR; District 3, Rob Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; District 3, Steve Gentry, Little Dixie FPD; District 5, Shelby Phifer, Southern Stone FPD; District 10, Greg Brown, Eureka FPD; District 11, Ryan Miller, Norborne FPD; District 14, Glenn Dittmar, South Central Buchanan County FD.
Historian Kay Asher, Wentzville FPD; Past President Keith Smith, Warrenton FPD; Greg Carrell, Brenda Carrell, Missouri State Fire Marshal; David Hedrick, MU FRTI; Larry Jennings, Johnson County FPD; Grant Oetting, Higginsville FPD; Billy Smith, North Central Carroll FPD; Harriett Vaucher, Eureka FPD; Doc Kritzer, Ron Baker, Stephen McLane, FF Memorial Foundation; Logan McCubbon- Holts Summit FPD; Brayden Miller, Norborne FD. Brian Zinanni, Missouri Fire Service Funeral Assistance Team.
President Hoover asked for additions to the agenda. RB Brown moved to accept the agenda as presented. Monty Thompson seconded the motion and all approved.
President Hoover asked for corrections to the August 7, 2016 meeting minutes. Terry Plumb moved to accept the minutes as presented. Roy Sims seconded the motion and all approved.
Financial Report
President Hoover asked for a review of the August-October 2016 financial report. Greg Brown moved to accept the financial reports as presented. RB Brown seconded the motion and all approved.
Report of Officers and Special Guest(s)
Director David Hedrick with MU FRTI reported that the 2016 annual report is out and available for review. Fiscal year 2017 is in full swing and has 402 classes scheduled and 125 have been completed so far.
They did received funding from the Fire Education Commission.
The Propane for Emergency Responders Conference was held in September at the Missouri State Fair Fire Department. He thanked FFAM for hosting the conference and for providing excellent meals for the weekend. It was very well attended.
The Instructors Conference was held in November and went well. There was an increase in the number of participants.
Winter Fire School information is now online with 41 new course offerings. Registrations are being accepted.
The Fire Service Leadership Enhance-ment Program has three sessions and all officers and upcoming officers are encouraged to participate. Contact MU FRTI for more information.
Greg Carrell, Missouri State Fire Marshal, reported that the legislative session started December 1. He has already had a lot of representatives contact him regarding current issues. There are several issues that will be addressed this session relating to the fire service including worker’s compensation.
There are still several open positions in the Division that they are working on getting filled. Kim Simmons is the training technician and there is still a Deputy Chief of Inspections open.
If you are interested in any training programs offered by the Division, contact them. There are several available. There is also a new NFA series available.
2017 department registrations are due now. He encouraged all departments to register with the state and to report to NFIRS so that the most current and accurate information is available for those who review the needs and responses of the state.
The Division is also working with the Columbia Area Career Center to get additional information throughout the state on the number of fire fighters and fire departments in Missouri compared to population. Some departments may receive a call from the mutual aid coordinator to follow-up for information.
No correspondence was received.
Unfinished Business
Discussion was held on the consideration for a dues increase as presented in August. President Hoover advised that the Budget Committee will review the decline of membership and how it is affecting the budget and present their recommendation at the January board meeting.
New Business
The proposed 2017 budget was presented. Discussion followed. Greg Brown moved to accept the 2017 budget as presented. Monty Thompson seconded the motion and all approved.
President Hoover advised that the February board meeting conflicts with Winter Fire School. Discussion followed. Tim Bean moved to move the next FFAM board meeting to January 29. Glen Dittmar seconded the motion and all approved.
Committee Reports
Awards Committee
Larry Jennings advised that awards deadline is February 28.
Budget Committee
No report.
Bylaws Committee
No report.
Chaplain Committee
David Hedrick advised that the Federation of Fire Chaplain’s conference was held in October. The Corp. is working with the State Fire Marshall to get more involvement on the state level. Membership dues are going out for 2017.
Contest Committee
Rob Erdel advised that the committee is ready to go. The big change for 2017 is that the contest registration deadline is now the Wednesday prior to convention and not the Friday before contest.
Convention Committee
Larry Jones advised $400 was received from the Lake Area Emergency Services Association from the 2016 convention. Larry Jennings, chairman of the 2017 convention committee, advised that camping is available for the convention at the Missouri State Fairgrounds. The cost is $14 per night. You don’t need to reserve just pull-in and security will take your money. Honor guards and department flags are requested for opening ceremonies. Contact Shelby Phifer if you have either. Directors are encouraged to sell ads in their areas as the ad book is state wide and not just for the Sedalia area. Vendor space is available and information is online. There will also be finger foods available during the mixer.
Education Committee
Contact the committee if you have any classes you would like to see the FFAM host.
Prevention Committee
RB Brown encourage everyone to get their posters ready for convention.
Legislative Committee
Greg Brown advised that due to recent elections, the “landscape” in the legislation is changing with hopefully many positive changes for the fire service. The Governor elect’s transition team is looking at having first responder award winners present during the inauguration ceremony. The Fire Service Alliance has met and there are several legislation items being reviewed including the 9-1-1 bill, firefighter training financial support, LODD clean-up language, worker’s compensation, Fire Education and Advisory Commission representation across the state, inspection processes and GNT legislation .
Membership Committee
Secretary Miller reported the following membership counts: 476 Directors/Councilman; 267 Retired; 16 Associate; 13 Sustaining; 20 Corporate, 374 Departments; 6986 Active; 10 Educational; 26 Juniors.
Nomination Committee
Keith Smith advised that Districts 1, 3, 7, 11, 14 and the Executive Committee are up for re-election in 2017. So far Larry Jones, RB Brown and Monty Thompson had advised they will seek re-election.
NVFC Committee
Keith Smith advised the committee report from the fall meeting will be in the next newsletter. You will continue to hear about cancer in the fire service as it is a big issue that is being addressed. Health and safety are also big issues that will continue to be addressed. Greg Wright advised that he attended his first NVFC meeting and he found it to be very educational.
Scholarship Committee
Grant Oetting advised that scholarship deadline is February 28.
State Fair Committee
Monty Thompson advised that the 2017 State Fair is August 10 – 20. Applications will be in the next newsletter and online soon.
Website Committee
Secretary Miller advised to contact her for any website additions.
Secretary Miller advised the next newsletter deadline is January 1.
Historian report
Storage issues continue to be a concern. President Hoover advised he is checking into a more permanent structure at the memorial site.
Funeral Team report
Brian Zinanni advised that the team has had a busy couple of months assisting with funerals. They do now have a new trailer for the Kansas City team.
Foundation report
Keith Smith advised they Foundation is having a meeting at 1:00 p.m. today. The 2017 Memorial Services will be May 20–21. 2016 DVD’s are available for $10. Contact him if you would like one. Ron Baker advised that the Field of Flags would once again be done and information will be available in the next newsletter. Doc Kritzer advised that he has only received 20 names for the engraving so far. Be sure to get your information in on any passed fire fighters. The cut-off for names is January 1, 2017. If a person passes in January–March 2017 and their family wants them honored in 2017, it may be allowed at the committee’s discretion. All names should be reported to Keith Smith.
Roy Sims moved to adjourn the meeting. RB Brown seconded the motion and all approved. President Hoover adjourned the meeting at 10:53 a.m.
Jaime Miller, Secretary
Fire Fighters Association of Missouri