
NFFF LODD Walk of Honor Section Dedication

nfffHarriett Vaucher along with her son, Brian Manetzke attended the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Pre-1981 LODD Walk of Honor section dedication on June 11, 2016 in Emmitsburg, Maryland in honor of her late husband, George Manetzke Jr. of the Eureka Fire Protection District, who was killed in the line-of-duty in 1971.

This special section is designated for those who lost their lives prior to 1981 when the memorial was built. A special book was created for that event. Each page in the book contains the names that were submitted. These pages will be on display in the Chapel during the Memorial Weekend, October 8-9, 2016.  If anyone would like to verify that their loved ones or fellow firefighters names are listed in the book, and/or spelled correctly, contact Donna Clark with the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation at 443-302-2905 or at dclark@firehero.org as soon as possible.