I sincerely hope we made an impression and you will be back next year. A good fair temperature was cooperative.
This year I was responsible for salads and desserts. R.B. Brown was head chef in charge and did an excellent job making some new food which was very good. We averaged feeding 60 for breakfast, 80 at lunch and 105-115 at dinner. Starting on Monday the Sedalia Fire joined us for dinner, also Pettis County and the fair security which is mainly Sedalia police. Along with the State Patrol. We would go thru 30 gallons of sweet tea, 20 gallons of unsweetened tea and 30 gallons of koolaid/lemonade along with 150+ cups of coffee in a 24-hour period.
I want to thank some kitchen help: Larry and Ann Jones, Larry and Kathy Eggen, Angie Fields, Brenda Carrell, Ed Daugherty and Gordon Ekedahol. Anybody would help if you asked. A special thank you to engine and EMS crews who helped with breakfast and dishes after a meal, a huge help.
D-MAT joined us again this year a great help. They would stay in service until midnight.
A special thank you to Terry Wynn, Diana, the Sayers group and the Galt group for a delicious meal of fried fish, potatoes, slaw and corn bread. Again thank you.
This was my 30th year coming to the fair and Monty’s 35th year. So many good changes, thank you FFAM/State Fire Department Commissioner.
A big thank you to Tyson Food for chicken products, Mr. Dell’s potatoes, Hyland Dairy for milk, oj, sour cream and ice cream. Angie for all her connections of tomatoes, eggs, styrofoam plates and Gatorade. Larry and Ann Jones for two donated hogs. Terry Wynn for hamburger and loins, Greg Wright hamburger, Josh Bigger potato chips, Dawn Bakery. To everyone who brought or dropped off goods for the troops they were much enjoyed. The commissioners for preparing and cooking brisket. Again R.B. a great job. If I missed you I apologize, it was very appreciated.
I hope to see each of you at the 2017 FFAM Convention in Sedalia sponsored by the FFAM State Fair Fire Department. Also see you at the 2017 State Fair watch your newsletter for work days to get ready.