President Diane Hanes, Galt FPD, called meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
7 members present; Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole Co FPD; Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FPD; Joyce Thompson, Kearney FPD; Angela Fields, Paris FPD; and Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD.
Diane asked if there were any changes or comments from the April 29 and May 1, 2016 meetings notes. No one had anything. Chris Slaughter made a motion to accept the meeting notes, seconded by Missy Erdel, motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning balance: $2,200.60. Income: Deposits; $1,004.50 (from silent auction and fund raising items), Dues collected; $160.00. Expenses; Susan for officer charms; $185.73, Theresa for fund raiser items; $36.47. New Balance: $3,094.45.
Ann Jones made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read, seconded by Angela Fields, motion passed.
Committee Reports
No report was available.
Poster Contest
Diane said they had over 100 turned in but only about 60 could be judged on because of wrong size or other wrong other requirements. Was discussed to see if maybe the requirements need to be published more or what needs to be done so that more posters could qualify. Diane wants to talk to RB Brown to see what can be done.
Missy reported all went well and have not heard any real complaints.
No report was available.
Auxiliary Member of the Year
No report was available.
Fund raising
Theresa was not in attendance but sent fiscal report with some info about fund raising totals. It was discussed that more detail info on what items sold and silent auctions items totals were.
Memorial Service
Next years service will be May 13-14, 2017. This year’s services all went well.
Because there won’t be any officers up for nomination there was no report.
Nothing to report.
Sheri has some pic of the convention but would like more. Gail (from the University of Missouri) was asked if we could also use some of her pictures also. Discussion about storage of the old picture books is being tabled until all officers are in attendance.
Next year convention will be April 21-23, 2017 and will be held in Sedalia on the Missouri State Fairgrounds.
Old Business
No old business at this time.
New Business
The FFAM auxiliary will be the host auxiliary. It was discussed some of the expenses that will be our duties, like table clothes, centerpieces, decoration for the front and front table. Drinks and food for our Sunday morning meeting and possibility the FFAM board meeting.
Chris made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Missy. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Sheri Berendzen, Cole Co FPD,
Secretary/Treasurer 2016-2018