On April 30, 2016 Chief Robert L. Creed will retire from the Moberly Fire Department. Chief Creed has served the citizens of Moberly for 30 years. Prior to starting his career with the City of Moberly, Creed served three years in the US Army.
Chief Creed began his career with the City of Moberly Public Works Department on April 24 1986, and on August 2, 1987 he transferred to the fire department and began his career as a firefighter.
Chief Creed promoted up from Firefighter, to Captain, Assistant Chief, and Interim Fire Chief in 2009, before being appointed as Fire Chief in February 2010.
During his career, Chief Creed also served as the Moberly/Randolph County Emergency Management Director from April 2005 – September 2015.
Chief Creed has been involved in numerous Emergency Services activities including serving three years as a representative on the Region B RHSOC (Regional Homeland Security Oversight Committee), Assistant Region B Fire Mutual Aid Coordinator, and the Region B Director for the Missouri Association of Fire Chiefs Board of Directors. In October 2015, Chief Creed was appointed as the Region B Training Coordinator for MU Fire and Rescue Training Institute.
Chief Creed has been a member of Fire Fighters Association of Missouri for over twenty years.
Chief Creed has been an Adjunct Instructor for Moberly Area Community College, instructing at the MACC Law Enforcement Training Center and the MACC Firefighter Academy. Chief Creed is an Adjunct Instructor for MU FRTI and will continue as an Adjunct Instructor and Regional Training Coordinator following his retirement.
“It has been a pleasure to work with a great bunch of professionals over the last 30 years. I am proud to have had the opportunities this career has given me” Creed said.
“I would especially like to thank my family for all the support and understanding they have shown me over the last 30 years. Most people don’t understand the sacrifices that family members have to endure.”