
An Update from the 1st Vice President – May 2016

Happy Spring everyone! I want to congratulate the area Lake Area Emergency Services Association for another successful convention, and may I add back to back, great job!

My heart is heavy while I write this article, and here is why.

His name is Joey Dale Hight born December 23, 1954, and passed this life on April 17, 2016. His badge #499, for the West Plains Fire Department, and #599 for the Police Department. He also was called Pastor, Preach, Preacher Man, Reverend, Rev, and he would gladly answer to any of them. I’m talking about our Chaplain, a lot of you will remember him as the Master of Ceremony for our 2001 FFAM convention. He is the one and only guy that has ever pulled off taking up an offering during an FFAM banquet, using a fire helmet.

The member of the fire and police departments will miss him greatly. He rode with officers, counseled, and was always available day or night for us. He is and will be missed by us all.

He is survived by his wife Tricia. Please keep her in your prayers.

I miss my best friend!