Strategies of Leadership: Recruiting and Retaining Emergency Service Personnel
This eight hour course will focus on the issues of recruitment and retention for volunteer organizations. The program will be introduced in separate segments: Recruitment Strategies will focus on how to merge the organizations goals and objectives (more volunteers) with their customer’s goals. The class assists in identifying the various customers of the department and describes a proven, practical method of informing customers. The R.O.P.E. process (Research, Objectives, Program, Evaluation) is used to develop a program to recruit volunteers. Participants leave with an outline of a recruitment plan developed specifically for their community. Retention Strategies focuses on the important need to retain existing volunteers. These volunteers, then, become recruiters for future volunteers. To increase retention, five tactical approaches are spotlighted. They include: Leadership; Emotional support; Training; Fun; and, Recognition and incentives. Combined with these tactics, recruitment is then organized around organizational, personal and operational considerations. Participants leave with practical, proven ideas to retain their current volunteer cadre.
This course is presented at no cost through funding provided by the Assistance to Firefighters Grant and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It is hosted by the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri and delivered by the University of Missouri Fire and Rescue Training Institute.
To Enroll Call MU FRTI: 800-869-3476
February 5, 2016 • 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn Executive Center
Columbia, MO
March 19, 2016 • 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Cole County Fire Protection District
Jefferson City, MO