I hope everyone had a good Christmas and wish all of you a great 2016. The winter weather has been very pleasant along with some heavy rains. My prayers are with the communities that have experienced severe flooding. There has been very little sickness around that I have heard about. Hope everyone stays healthy.
1st Vice President Tim Bean and Secretary/Treasurer Jaime Miller completed and presented the FFAM 2016 budget to the Board of Directors at the December board meeting and it was approved. They both worked very hard to present a balanced budget. Thanks for your hard work.
Here we are in the first couple weeks of the New Year and have many activities already being planned for 2016. Some of those include; the FFAM board meeting in Sedalia on January 31, Winter Fire School in Columbia on February 5-7, MO-Chiefs Conference at Big Cedar, in Branson on February 25-27, FFAM Convention at Osage Beach in April, and our Annual Fallen Firefighters Memorial Services on May 14-15 in Kingdom City. Many long hours are being expended to ensure all of these events will be worthy of your participation. Hope to see many of you at these events.
I would like to encourage everyone to nominate individuals and departments for the many awards that FFAM has to offer during its annual convention. Remember, the deadlines for nominations are February 28, 2016. I know there are many that are worthy of these awards, they just need to have someone nominate them. We have; Scholarships, Fire Department of the year, Chief of the Year, Firefighter of the Year, Life Saving, and many more. Please take the time today and go to the web page and download and complete a nomination form.
All of our FFAM committees have been meeting and making plans for 2016. If you have any items you would like for us to consider, please let one of the committee chairpersons know. We are here to serve our membership and to make FFAM an organization you desire to belong to. As I have appointed the committees, I have tried to make sure that every area of the state is equally represented. If you have a desire to serve and want to be considered for a certain FFAM committee, please let me know. Most are full right now but openings sometime occur. Thanks to all that presently serve and spend many hours to better our organization.
I am looking for several items for our Annual Memorial Service, I will need two ladder trucks, a honor guard commander, honor guards, pipers, drummers, and a suggestion for a Sunday morning speaker. If you are interested in any of these, please contact me at 573-581-6235 or chiefhoover@sbcglobal.net
As always, I am available at the above phone number and e-mail address. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything.
Stay safe my friends and I am wishing each of you a great 2016. May God bless each and every one of you.
Kenneth Hoover, President
Fire Fighters Association of Missouri