Over sixty-five fire trucks and ambulances ascended on the Herculaneum City Park on Saturday, September 26 to take part in the 22nd Annual Jeffco Fire Engine Rally sponsored by the Jefferson County Firefighters Association. The fall weather was absolutely gorgeous and the event attracted firefighters, children and festival attendees from across the state. The 22nd rally followed in the footsteps of its predecessors by once again being a very successful event.
As in the past, this year’s rally kicked off with a parade of emergency apparatus traveling from Crystal City to the city park in Herculaneum. Following the parade, an opening ceremony was held that includes a memorial service honoring the men and women associated with the Jefferson County fire service who passed away during the previous year. The memorial includes the reading of the individual’s name, their years of service and department followed by a single ring of the memorial bell. Individuals remembered this year included: Terry Bouska, Goldman Fire Protection District; Farris H. Hamlyn, Sr. High Ridge Fire Protection District; Daniel E. Marler, Herculaneum Fire Department; Dennis W. Marler, Herculaneum Fire Department; Joseph F. Peery, Sr. Jefferson R-7 Fire Protection District; Anthony A. (Tony) Picarella, Crystal City Fire Department; Richard Saller, Antonia Fire Protection District; Stephen F. Siracusa, Crystal City Fire Department and Wayne Weber, Cedar Hill Fire Protection District. A moment of silence in remembrance of September 11, 2001, is also included in the memorial. Members of the Ozark Firefighters Association provided the Color Guard for the fire engine rally.
During the opening ceremony, the annual Jefferson County Awards are presented to those individuals and departments who are selected by an awards committee from the nominations that are submitted.
The annual Jefferson County Firefighter and EMS awards were presented as follows: Fire Life Saving, Festus Fire Department; Firefighter of the Year Award, Kevin Baker, Herculaneum Fire Department; Fire Chief of the Year Award, Assistant Chief George Keller, Jr., Goldman Fire Protection District; Fire Department of the Year Award, Goldman Fire Protection District; EMS Meriotorious Action Award, Kevin Dennis, Joachim-Plattin Ambulance District; EMS Paramedic of the Year, Tim Todd, Joachim Plattin Ambulance District; EMS Chief Officer of the Year, Captain Mike Cage, Joachim-Plattin Ambulance District; and EMS Department of the Year, Joachim-Plattin Ambulance District.
The opening ceremony also includes the introduction and presentation of plaques to the rally Grand Marshal and Junior Grand Marshal. Assistant Chief George Keller, Jr. of the Goldman Fire Protection District was honored as Grand Marshal and Isaiah Buggs of Florissant, Missouri, represented the Missouri Burn Camp and Burns Recovered Support Group of St. Louis as the Junior Grand Marshal. The O’Fallon Fire Protection District provides transportation for the Grand Marshal and Todd Mahn of DeSoto provides transportation for the Junior Grand Marshal.
The annual rally features numerous demonstrations each year and the 22nd rally was no different. The Crystal City Fire Department and Sentinel Emergency Solutions demonstrated various hose streams and hose appliances; the Hematite Fire Protection District and Weber Fire and Safety demonstrated the use of home fire extinguishers; the Herculaneum Fire Department and Sudden Rescue conducted an air bag demonstration and Ameren Missouri demonstrated a Power Line Safety demonstration. Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, ARCH Air Rescue, Survival Flight and Air Evac all had rescue helicopters on display at the rally.
Other awards presented at the rally included the following apparatus winners:
Best Overall Antique: Todd Mahn, DeSoto, Missouri
Newest Apparatus in Service: Rock Community Fire Protection District
Oldest Apparatus in Service: Park Hills Fire Department
Best Overall Current Apparatus: Dunklin Fire Protection District
Best Aerial Apparatus: Dunklin Fire Protection District
Best Pumper Apparatus: Hematite Fire Protection District
Best Overall Ground Cover Apparatus: Mapaville Fire Protection District
Best Rescue Apparatus: Herculaneum Fire Department
Best Tanker Apparatus: Antonia Fire Protection District
Best Lettering and Detailing: Valle Ambulance District
Best Overall EMS Vehicle: Joachim-Plattin Ambulance District
Heritage Apparatus Award: Cedar Hill Fire Protection District
Farthest Traveled: Irondale Fire Protection District
Judge’s Award: DeSoto Fire Department
As in the past, this year’s rally included numerous activities for the children including a rock climbing wall, bounce house and an inflatable slide, a photo booth, face-painting, firefighter-themed games, a fire safety house and a scavenger hunt.
The Jefferson County Firefighters Association thanks all of the vendors, equipment sales and food vendors for participating at this year’s rally. The 22nd rally had the largest number of vendors in the history of the rally. A big thank you goes out to the sponsors of the event and to those who attended.
Mark your calendars! The twenty-third Jeffco Fire Engine Rally will be held on Saturday, September 24, 2016 in Herculaneum.