
The Museum Project – July 2015

rifleMy report will be brief this month. I had an accident last week and fractured, shattered is more accurate, a bone in my left pinky finger. I have to type by the “airplane” method, circle and land.

Thanks to many of you, we posted 100 flags for the memorial service this year. We sold 61 flags, had about 20 retained from last year, posted 7 line of duty death flags and used others to make the 100. Thanks for your support, they were impressive blowing on the hill by our memorial.

We have been approved for the Missouri State Employees Charitable Campaign for 2016-17. Kickoff will be in August. Anyone who is a state employee can designate a contribution from their check each month. As soon as I have our identification number, I will share it with you.

We will also be having a fund-raising event at Texas Roadhouse in February at Winter Fire School. That Friday evening they will donate 10% of your purchase to the museum project. This year they made total donations of $700. Plan on helping us with this opportunity.

FFAM is raffling a Henry .22 rifle, Firefighter Edition. The rifle and special display case will be drawn for at the 2016 state convention. The rifle, valued at $1,000 was donated by County Guns, Midwest Cerakote, Jay Weinstein and Partners Insurance. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. You can email me at ffammuseum@ gmail.com for information on how to get your tickets. Proceeds will go to the museum project. You can also call me at 573-220-8344.

I would like to challenge each department to do a fund-raising event during the year for “your” museum. 100 departments raising $500 each would generate $50,000. I am willing to work with you on these. Texas Roadhouse in your area will work with us as will other restaurants and business establishments. Together, we can do this!

Dr. Ron Baker
Director of Development/Public Relations