President Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; 1st Vice President Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; 2nd Vice President Susan Voss, Beaufort-Leslie FPD; Secretary- Treasurer Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Historian Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Sergeant at Arms Jessica Miller, Norbourne FPD.
Kim Voss, Beaufort-Leslie FPD; Janet Smith, Cole Count FPD; Shelia Arnold, Central Jackson County FPD.
Amber Mozeleski, Cairo North East R-4.
Theresa Cox read the Sunday May 4, 2014 Business Meeting notes. Corrections to be made are: Under the section Auxiliary Member of the Year, change Janet to Jenny, correct the spelling of Warrenton, and change Beaufort-Leslie to Warrenton FPD. Janet Smith, Cole County made a motion to accept the meeting notes with these changes, seconded by Angela Fields, Paris FPD. All in favor (delegates only), no oppositions/abstentions, motion passed.
Jessica Miller completed Roll Call, reporting 15 departments and 39 members present at the meeting.
Treasurer Report as of May 3, 2014, our beginning balance was $2,377.24. Theresa reviewed a treasure report hand out, detailing this past years transactions. Our current new Balance as of May 2, 2015 is $1,438.58. Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe Fire Department made a motion to accept the Treasure report as read, seconded by Danielle Arnold, Central Jackson County FPD. All in favor (delegates only), no oppositions/abstentions, motion passed.
Susan Voss reported currently we have 25 departments with 148 members, and 15 honorary members.
Pam Carsten indicated this years contest went very smoothly. It worked well with Jessica on the field relaying the times and Pam at the announcer stand receiving the times. The contests are taking 2 hour less time than in the past.
Diane Hanes and Sheri Berendzen audited the Auxiliary finances and reported the books are in order on 2/1/15. Theresa announced this year we made $1,711 from the silent auction items and $118 from the items the auxiliary sell, for a total of $1,829. Want to thank everyone who donated items for the silent auction and raffle. And to thank everyone who graciously made great bids on these wonderful items.
Sheri reported she still wants pictures with the names and dates on them. She expressed her regrets that the auxiliary video presentation was not able to be shown at this years convention due to a technical error.
Jenny Smith reported unfortunately we had no nominations this year for the award. Indicated the nomination form in on the FFAM website, the website will be updated to include contact phone numbers for any assistance needed to make a nomination in the future.
Diane Hanes reported we had 77 posters this year. Asked that everyone review the poster guidelines specifically placement of information and size of poster paper. Again, this year a few posters had to be disqualified due to not following the guidelines.
Pam Carsten suggested the auxiliary needs to communicate with the host department to find out what fund-raisers we are allowed to have at convention. Need to purchase several sets of heavy duty clips to display quilts and blankets for next year. Pam pulled the winning ticket for her T-shirt quilt, winner was Terry Wynne from Galt FPD. This years quilt made $273, which she asked the monies be donated to the Missouri Fire Service Funeral Assistance Team.
Jessica handed out copies of the current by-laws and an explanation of the change wanted under Standing Rules, number 9; “Upon the death of any member of the Auxiliary or their immediate family members, a memorial of $30.00 will be sent by the Auxiliary“. The explanation is to remove the memorial donation at the time of a members loss will alleviate the possibility of missing a FFAM auxiliary member. As our membership grows it is impossible for the officer team to know or receive the information promptly when a member of our group has a loss in their immediate family. The officer team would like to avoid the possibility of hurting members feelings and believe this is the best course of action as we move to the future and we continue to grow. Therefore, the officer team is suggesting we remove standing rule number 9. Open discussion, Shelia Arnold suggested the auxiliary send a greeting card to the family of an auxiliary member only who passes. Discussion was again it is the auxiliary members need to get the information to the Second Vice President or an officer so a card can be sent.
Resolution was read by Robin Schrage. Osage Beach was at their meeting and unable to receive the resolution, will be hand delivered.
Diane Hanes volunteered Galt FD to judge the posters at 2016 convention.
Next years convention site has not been determined at this time.
The Memorial Services are Saturday May 16 and Sunday May 17 at Kingdom City. Diane Hanes reported Galt FD has the ribbons ready, she did her best to match the Funeral Assistance Team colors. Theresa Cox and Kay Asher arranged the flowers in the Maltese Cross Vases, they are ready for the memorial.
Chris Slaughter asked if there was a motion from the floor on Standing Rule number 9. Theresa Cox made a motion to eliminate Standing Rule number 9, seconded by Ann Jones. All in favor (delegates only), no oppositions/ abstentions, motion passed with 15 yeas. Discussed the members need to notify one of the officers of (only) an auxiliary members death so 2nd Vice President can sent a card.
June 7, board meeting in Sedalia, clean up at the memorial in Kingdom City on June 6 and 7, June 3-7 Summer Fire School. A suggestion was made to wait on making a donation till next years convention site has been determined.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox,
Secretary/Treasurer 2014/2015 Wentzville FPD