By the time you read this, half of 2015 will be over. We, FFAM, have been so busy, it’s hard to believe we still have more to do.
If you missed out on the grand opening of Fireman’s Landing, you can still go to Silver Dollar City and enjoy it. It was a very special time to be in the “sea of blue” going into the landing and watching everyone having a good time. Special thanks to all involved with doing that event.
Then it was 2015 convention. It was a time for all of us to be with fellow firefighters and take care of the business of FFAM. You can’t do the 2015 convention again, but you sure can plan on going to the 2016 convention. There will be information out on it soon in the FFAM newsletter, try to join us there and see what everyone talks about.
We will probably have done the Memorial Service in Kingdom City by the time you get this. It is a very moving time to honor all of the Line of Duty Death Firefighters and those that have been firefighters and have passed away. We have the Saturday night candlelight service and the Sunday morning service. If you haven’t been at the service, put it on your 2016 list of things to do.
You can still make it to the 2015 State Fair as a visitor, but the crew has already been set. Talk to someone who has gone and worked there. In 2016, you want to think about being on the crew and working sometime during the fair.
There will be more things going on, so keep reading your newsletter and checking in on the website to see what’s happening.
Have a great summer!
Larry Jones
Director of District 3