
Meeting Minutes – May 2015

President Kenneth Hoover opened the 61st Annual FFAM Convention by ringing the bell on Friday, May 1, 2015 at the Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach, Missouri.

The Mid-County Fire Protection District Color Guard and Lake Area Emergency Services Association Magic Dragon Pipes and Drums posted the colors.

Lake Ozark Fire Protection District Fire Chief Mark Amsinger led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Monsignor Marion Makarewicz gave the invocation.

Lake Area Emergency Services Association, Inc. President and Lake of the Ozarks Fire Protection District Fire Chief Mark Amsinger welcomed attendees to the convention.

President Hoover welcomed all attendees to the convention and thanked Lake Area Emergency Services Association, Inc. for their hard work in hosting the convention. He then introduced the FFAM officers and directors to the audience.

Past President Keith Smith presented the nominating committee slate for the 2015 FFAM officer elections. Positions for election are President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, District 4 Director, District 5 Director, District 9 Director and District 10 Director.

The following individuals are seeking election for those respective positions: Ken Hoover, President; Tim Bean, 1st Vice President; Charlie Neubert, 2nd Vice President; Jaime Miller, Secretary-Treasurer; Rex Reynolds, Sergeant-at-Arms; Joe Vaughn, District 4 Director; Terry Plumb, District 5 Director; Roy Sims, District 9 Director; Doug Christ, District 10 Director.

President Hoover thanked James Kelbaugh for his past service as the District 5 Director and advised that Terry Plumb is seeking election for that position.

President Hoover made final announcements.

President Hoover closed the opening session at 7:25 p.m.

Welcome to all in attendance to the 61st Annual FFAM Convention by Osage Beach Fire Protection District Fire Chief Jeff Dorhauer.

Emcee and Retired Fire Chief Richard ‘Smoky’ Dyer made the head table introductions.

Pastor Jon Thompson, Osage Beach Fire Chaplain, Harpers Chapel, gave the invocation followed by the meal.

Keynote Speaker Fire Chief Dennis Reilly, Sunrise Beach Fire Protection District, gave a motivational speech, Many Twists and Many Turns, Navigating the Road to Personal Excellence.

Scholarship Committee Chair Grant Oetting announced the 2015 scholarship recipients. Continuing Education: Thomas Barker, Johnson County FPD; Jaime Miller, Johnson County FPD; High School: Kelby Stephens, Highlandville Rural FPD; Alek Jewell, Inter City FPD; Jacob Lafferty, Excelsior Springs Firefighter; Cadet Program; Tanner Wodrich, Alma FD.

Fire Prevention Committee Chair RB Brown announced the 2015 poster contest award winners.

1st, Melina Lawson-Lytton, Iberia Rural FPD
2nd, Aynnessa Foster, Little Dixie FPD
3rd, Adysan Rains, Galt FPD

1st, Kendra Bliss, Union FPD
2nd, Andrew Bush, Union FPD
3rd, Mason Edwards, Paris Rural FPD

1st, Josh Hamilton, Iberia Rural FPD
2nd, Abigail Matthews, Galt FPD
3rd, Cody Vondera, Union FPD

Contest Committee Chair Richard Gordon announced the 2015 convention contest winners.

2 Person Hose Coupling: 1st Eureka; 2nd Washington; 3rd Little Dixie #1. Extending a Line: 1st Galt #2; 2nd Eurkea; 3rd Washington. Water Barrel Fight: 1st Little Dixie #1; 2nd Galt #1; 3rd Eureka. Overall: 1st Eureka; 2nd Little Dixie #1; 3rd Washington.

2 Person Hose Coupling: 1st Southern Stone #1; 2nd Southern Stone #2; 3rd Little Dixie #1. Extending a Line: 1st Southern Stone #1; 2nd Southern Stone #2; 3rd Little Dixie #2. Replace a Section of Hose: 1st Southern Stone #1; 2nd Southern Stone #1; 3rd Little Dixie #2. Water Barrel Fight: 1st Southern Stone #1; 2nd Little Dixie #1; 3rd Little Dixie #2. Bucket Brigade: 1st Southern Stone #1; 2nd Little Dixie #1. Overall: 1st Southern Stone #1; 2nd Southern Stone #2; 3rd Littlie Dixie #1.

2 Person Hose Coupling: 1st Madison West Monroe; 2nd West Plains #2; 3rd Eureka. Replace a Section of Hose: 1st West Plains #2; 2nd Cole County #2; 3rd Madison West Monroe. Extending a Line: 1st Southern Stone #1; 2nd West Plains #1; 3rd Cole County #1. Water Barrel Fight: 1st Cole County #2; 2nd Galt; 3rd Little Dixie #1. Bucket Brigade: 1st Little Dixie #2; 2nd Madison West Monroe; 3rd Little Dixie #1. Overall: 1st Madison West Monroe; 2nd tie Cole County #2 and West Plains #2.

Auxiliary President Chris Slaughter reported that no nominations were received for Auxiliary Member of the Year. She encouraged all members to submit nominations for those deserving individuals.

Award Committee Chair Rob Schrage along with committee members Larry Jennings and Joe Vaughn presented several awards as follows:

Life Saving Awards to: Jeff Crow, LaPlata Community Fire Protection District; Justin Sprawl, Joseph Sam Johnson, Nathan Higgenbotham, Boles Fire Protection District.

Fire Department of the Year presented to Boles Fire Protection District.

Firefighter of the Year presented to Kurt Wilbanks, West Plains Fire Protection District.

Fire Chief of the Year presented to Jeffrey Jewell, Inter City Fire Protection District.

Bill Westhoff presented the Phil Sayer Lifetime Achievement Award to Richard ‘Smoky’ Dyer.

President Hoover gave closing remarks. The banquet was followed by the dance.

President Kenneth Hoover called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri to order at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, May 3, 2015 Tan-Tar-A Resort, Osage Beach, Missouri.

President Kenneth Hoover, Little Dixie FPD; First Vice President Tim Bean, West Plains FD; Secretary Treasurer Jaime Miller, Johnson County FPD; Sergeantat- Arms Rex Reynolds, Southern FPD of Holt County.

District 1 Terry Wynne, Galt FPD; District 2 Greg Wright, Shelbina FD; District 3 Larry Jones, Madison West Monroe FPD; District 4 Joe Vaughn, Pleasant Hill FPD; District 5 James Kelbaugh, Southern Stone FPD; District 6 Richard Gordon, Cole County FPD; District 7 RB Brown, Eureka FD; District 9 Roy Sims, West Plains FD; District 11 Monty Thompson, Kearney FPD; District 14 Rick Dozier, Southern FPD of Holt Co.

District 1 Janet Cain, Braymer FR; District 3 Rob Erdle, Little Dixie FPD; District 4 Jonathan Evans, Lincoln FD; District 5 Terry Plumb, Southern Stone FPD; District 6 Gary Berendzen, Cole County FPD; District 7 Ed Kriska, Eureka FPD; District 9 Kurt Wilbanks, West Plains FD; District 10 Greg Brown, Eureka FPD; District 11 Roger Meyers, Concordia FD; District 11 Ryan Miller, Norborne FPD; District 14 Glenn Dittmar, South Central Buchanan County FD.

Past President Keith Smith, Warrenton FPD; Historian Kay Asher, Wentzville FPD.

Greg Carrell, Missouri Division of Fire Safety; David Hedrick, Gail Hagans, MU FRTI; Larry Eggen, Larry Jennings, Johnson County FPD; Josh Biggers, Korey Smith, Jared Jackson, Scott Nichols, Tim Hodges, Dylan Kaufman, Gus Moody, Christina Bond, Alyssa Boner, Josh Loyd, Scott Prater, Rachel Buck, Matt Hagan, Brandon Reams, Casey Cuno, Steve Gentry, Little Dixie FPD; Chad Wolfe, Chase Barnes, Jonathon Wolfe, Jeremy Wright, James Freels, Gordon Ekedahl, Madison West Monroe FPD; Scott Diez, Beaufort/Leslie FPD; Harold Muehe, Mark Mozeleski, Northeast RIV RFPD; Joseph Stimpson, Seth Riddle, Erik Jackson, Christina Love, Cindy Gott, Brian Smiley, Delbert Jackson, Galt FD; Brian Schowengerdt, South Metro FPD; Dale Arnold, Central Jackson County FPD; Donnie Braun, Gary W. Smith, Cole County FPD; David Masterson, Wayne Cormier, West Plains FD; Danielle Ploch, Kurt Ploch, Jim Casey, Boles FPD; Cy Fields, Austin Tawney, Darin Maupin, Ronnie Fields, Paris Rural FPD; Jim Brockett, Shelby Phifer, Southern Stone FPD; Jennifer Johnson, Travis McClure, Norborne FPD; Alan Altis, Kearney Fire and Rescue; Rob Schrage, Jefferson R7 FPD; David Miller, Johnson County FPD #2; Emily Misel, Jeff Misel, Cowgill FD; Grant Oetting, Higginsville FD; Bob Couch, Tammy Carmack, Jeff Crow, Stan East, Laplata Community FPD; Donald Vaucher, Harriett Vaucher, Eureka FPD; Kristina Meyer, Josh Meyer, Scott Olson, Alma FPD; Duane Miller, Versailles FD; James Peffermann, Don Hahne, Washington FD.

President Hoover asked for additions to the agenda. RB Brown moved to accept the agenda as presented. Rick Dozier seconded the motion and all approved.

President Hoover asked for corrections or additions to the May 2014 convention board meeting minutes and the February 1, 2015 board meeting minutes. Rick Dozier moved to accept the minutes as presented. Roy Sims seconded the motion and all approved.

President Hoover asked for a review of the January–March 2015 financial reports. Charlie Neubert moved to accept the financial report as presented. RB Brown seconded the motion and all approved.

Director David Hedrick with MU FRTI expressed appreciation to the Lake Area Emergency Services Association for hosting the convention and congratulations to all award winners.

MU FRTI fiscal year ends June 30. Over 600 classes will have been taught by that time at no cost due to funding through the Division of Fire Safety and educational funding released by the Governor.

The Grain Bin Engulfment Rescue program will begin during Summer Fire School and will then be available for scheduling throughout the state.

Summer Fire School will be held June 3-7 in Jefferson City. Registrations are still being accepted.

Acting State Fire Marshal Greg Carrell with the Division of Fire Safety expressed his thanks to the Lake Area Emergency Services Association for hosting the convention.

The Governor released the additional $200k firefighter training funds. The fiscal year deadline is approaching so they are trying to get additional classes scheduled with those funds. He encouraged everyone to attend trainings throughout the state as most have minimum attendance requirements. Attendance at those trainings is also important in order to keep receiving funding for them.

The budget is doing well and things are approved as needed. If anyone has questions or concerns, they may contact him.


Larry Jennings reported that he still hasn’t received any notification regarding the SAFER grant.

Grant Oetting with the Missouri EMS Funeral Assistance Team provided information regarding a fund raiser at Buffalo Wild Wings in Independence, MO on June 3, 2015.

President Hoover advised that Jay Weinstein with Partners Insurance has donated a Henry Golden Boy Firefighter Edition rifle which will be raffled off to raise funds for the Historical Preservation Center to be built in Kingdom City.

The winner will be chosen at the 2016 convention. Contact Steve Gentry with Little Dixie Fire Protection District if you have questions.

Discussion was held on the August meeting date. Terry Wynne moved to change the date of the August meeting to August 9. Rick Dozier seconded the motion and all approved.

Pam Carsten with the Auxiliary presented Terry Wynne with a t-shirt quilt that was won in their raffle. All proceeds will go to the Missouri Fire Service Funeral Assistance Team. They thanked those who donated and asked that more fire department t-shirts be donated for next year.

Sergeant-at-Arms Reynolds conducted a roll call of the delegates. He reported that 71 delegates were represented.

Keith Smith reported that nine positions are up for election. The nominations are Ken Hoover, President; Tim Bean, 1st Vice President; Charlie Neubert, 2nd Vice President; Jaime Miller, Secretary-Treasurer; Rex Reynolds, Sergeant-at-Arms; Joe Vaughn, District 4 Director; Terry Plumb, District 5 Director; Roy Sims, District 9 Director; Doug Christ, District 10 Director. Dale Arnold moved to elect by acclamation Ken Hoover, President; Tim Bean, 1st Vice President; Charlie Neubert, 2nd Vice President; Jaime Miller, Secretary-Treasurer; Rex Reynolds, Sergeant-at-Arms; Joe Vaughn, District 4 Director; Terry Plumb, District 5 Director; Roy Sims, District 9 Director; Doug Christ, District 10 Director. Don Hahne seconded the motion. A hand vote was taken. All delegates approved the motion.

Sergeant-at-Arms Rex Reynolds presented two bylaw change proposals. Secretary Jaime Miller reviewed the two change proposals with the delegates. Proposal 1 created new membership categories and made modifications to several areas of the bylaws. Proposal 2 created staggering terms for the officers as well as extending their terms to four years. Discussion followed. The Bylaws Committee conducted a closed ballot vote of each proposal.

Reynolds advised that one person from Little Dixie Fire Protection District had to leave therefore, there were 70 delegates present. The results were as follows:

Proposal 1: 60 yes; 10 no. The proposal passed with a 2/3 majority in favor.

Proposal 2: 62 yes; 8 no. The proposal passed with a 2/3 majority in favor.


Rob Schrage extended his thanks to the Awards Committee for their help in the process and to those that turned in award nominations. President Hoover advised that after 14 years, Rob Schrage will be stepping down as the Awards Committee Chairman and many thanks were extended to him for his service.



David Hedrick reported that Missouri Fire Chaplain Corp annual meeting/training will be on May 4-6 in Arnold, Missouri.

Richard Gordon extended thanks to the Lake Area Emergency Services Association for their assistance during the games. Six junior teams, four female teams and fourteen firefighter teams participated. He encouraged all members and departments to attend the convention and try to get more teams involved in the contests.

Larry Jones reported that currently, there is not a host department for the 2016 convention. President Hoover advised that if no department requests to host the convention, the FFAM Board of Directors will handle it.

Rick Dozier reported that 20 people attended the Certified Board Member training class on Friday. He also reported that he and Larry Eggen attended an emergency responders propane train-the-trainer program in Arizona in February. There will be a Propane First Responders Conference September 12-13 at the State Fair Fire Department in Sedalia. They are working on getting the training provided at no cost to the attendees. More information will be presented soon regarding the training.

RB Brown encouraged members to get involved with their local schools and get more participation in the poster contest. The 2016 poster contest theme has not yet been announced.

Greg Brown reported that there is two weeks left in the legislative session. The legislation approved an additional $300k in the firefighter training budget. The 911 bill passed the House and is in the Senate now however there is opposition. The 911 bill, would allow counties to impose a 911 cell phone tax for the purpose of funding 911 services in the county. The LODD benefit adding emergency medical technicians to the list of public safety officers eligible for survivor’s programs has cleared the house and is scheduled for a Senate hearing.

Charlie Neubert reported the following membership counts: 495 Directors/ Councilman; 249 Retired; 15 Associate; 11Sustaining; 17 Corporate, 353 Departments; 7198 Active.


Keith Smith reported that the NVFC continues to closely monitor support and funding for SAFER and AFG. Action alerts are sent to each NVFC Director as needed for various topics of importance to the Volunteer Fire Service. They have started a discussion for greater awareness concerning the higher numbers of LODD in aging volunteers. While it is highly politically charged with many unpopular opinions for doing so, it is still the right questions at the right time for those who are at least willing to listen and consider some reasonable health adjustments and revised service duty options as they age. Many refuse to discuss the so-call “White Elephant” in the room on this topic. At the same time denying there is no issue is denial of the realities and service challenges that face the volunteer fire service today. We are doing more with less staff. An estimated 500,000 less than just 30-years ago.

The question of cancer presumption with volunteers is starting to broaden in discussion. The IAFF has been very active and very vocal on this. Some would argue it is years overdue in taking this from a point of discussion to a place greater importance. At least there is now a conversation and some argue that we have only touched the tip of the iceberg regarding cancer in volunteers. It could be greater for volunteers in not having optimum PPE over the years for many reasons.

The Volunteer EMS Section continues to grow in programs, awareness, communications and mutual support on topics of importance. NVFC has in no small measure created a catalyst in combining several national EMS interests both direct service and allied associations into a focus group with a greater voice and influence at the national level. Love it or hate it the NFPA Ambulance Construction standard has brought about a safer vehicular assembly for the crews and the clients they service.

Grant Oetting reported that a record number of scholarship applications were received this year and he encouraged everyone to promote the program through their departments.

Monty Thompson reported that the fair will be August 7-17. More than 80 applications have been received and the committee will begin reviewing them. There is a work weekend scheduled for June 5-6.

Jaime Miller advised that if anyone has anything they would like to see added to the website, please contact her.

The deadline for the next newsletter has been extended to May 6. All convention articles and pictures are due by that morning. Departments are encouraged to send in articles.

HISTORIAN REPORT Kay Asher reported that she is working on bids for a double steel fire cabinet for storage.

Keith Smith reported the annual memorial service is May 16 at 9:00 p.m. and May 17 at 10:30 a.m. in Kingdom City. Dr. Ron Baker has been working on behalf of the Foundation trying to raise funds for the Historical Preservation Center. Texas Roadhouse donated $450 in January and $500 in February from their fund raiser. Over 60 flags have been sold for the memorial display. There are still flags available.

The Village of Kingdom City has purchased the visitors center building next to the Memorial. They do want to maintain a relationship with the foundation so discussions are being held on housing the memorial items currently located inside the visitors center.

1st VP Tim Bean read and presented Jeff Dorhauer and the Lake Area Emergency Services Association with a resolution on behalf of the FFAM for hosting the annual convention.

Richard Gordon moved to adjourn the meeting. Monty Thompson seconded the motion and all approved.

President Hoover adjourned the meeting at 10:55 a.m.

Jaime Miller,
Secretary Fire Fighters Association of Missouri