Spring is just around the corner and I am sure all of us are ready for its arrival. It has been a busy winter with many activities that we all attended. I know I am ready for the season to change and for the life to return to the trees and grass and for thing to come alive again.
Winter Fire School was a huge success thanks to MU Fire and Rescue Training Institute’s hard work. Thank you for the commitment to educate and keep our emergency service personnel safe.
My thoughts at this time are to encourage everyone to participate in the grand opening of Silver Dollar City’s “Fireman’s Landing”. They have spared no expense in this dedication and I appreciate the opportunity they have extended to the FFAM to be one of the lead fire service organizations to help them celebrate this milestone in their history.
Please take this time to take your family to Silver Dollar City and be a part of history in the making. They are planning numerous activities in our honor. Please contact your district director for more information or contact Dr. Ron Baker from the Memorial Foundation or 2nd Vice President Charlie Nuebert. They both have worked many hours making this event possible. Thanks men.
Our annual Fallen Firefighters Memorial service is quickly approaching on May 16 for the Candlelight Service and May 17 for the Sunday morning services.
Please consider this your personal invitation to participate in the honor guard, bag piper, antique fire equipment, and any other task you desire. Just let me know please. I am looking for a commander for the honor guard, so if you are interest please let me know.
Lake Ozark area fire departments are busy putting the final touches on our upcoming annual convention. If you have not done so, please send your registrations in as soon as possible so they can plan accordingly.
Also if possible please send your contest registrations in so everything can be ready for Saturday morning. I hope there are many teams competing for the bragging rights as the best in the state. We all have so much fun competing and just being together as a big family.
Again, anyone wishing to participate or help with the annual Fallen Firefighters Memorial service, please contact me at 573-581-6235 or chiefhoover@sbcglobal.net.
Everyone have a great and safe spring. As always, your officers and board of directors of FFAM are always available if you have a need. Please contact one for assistance.
Kenneth Hoover, President
Fire Fighters Association of Missouri