
Auxiliary Minutes – March 2015

Meeting called to order by Diane Hanes at 9:05 a.m.

Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; Jessica Miller, Norborne FD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Sherry Hoover, Little Dixie FPD; Pam Carsten, Cole County FPD.

Diane asked if everyone reviewed the December 2014 meeting notes; no changes, corrections or updates are needed. Theresa made a motion to accept the meeting notes, Sheri seconded, motion passed.

Financial report reviewed. Income of $195 for membership dues, expenses for a donation to Burns Recovery Support Group for $241 and a donation of $1,500 to the Missouri Fire Service Funeral Assistance Team. Leaving us with a new balance of $2,595.46. Jessica made a motion to accept the financial report as read, seconded by Pam, motion passed.

Old Business
Jamie Miller indicated we could use the FFAM trailer to store the auxiliary items such as flags, canopy, etc. Check with Susan to see if she has the auxiliary banner which will go in the trailer also.

Diane and Sheri audited the financial records, they were found to be in order.

Committee Reports

Nothing to report.

Need to ensure we have space for the history books, projector and a screen at this years convention.

Auxiliary Member of the Year
Nothing to report.

Second reading for by-law change Rule #9 is being removed as read, “Upon the death of any member of the Auxiliary or their immediate family member, a memorial of $30 will be sent by the Auxiliary”.

Nothing to report.

The judges are lined up to do the judging at convention. Diane suggested we have a list prepared to indicate by department and how many posters each department provides.

Ready for convention.

Diane is working closely with the convention committee. Pam has the raffle tickets, silent auction sheets, and will be there to set up on Friday for the auxiliary tables. At this time there will not be a Friday night meeting for the auxiliary unless President Chris determines it necessary for something. There will be a Friday night officers meeting only to discuss last minutes convention details. Time and place to be determined.

Fund Raising
Sheri indicated we have enough items to sell at fire school and convention. A suggestion is to have an alcohol wheel barrel raffle next year.

Ribbons will be purple, they will be ready for memorial this year.

New Business
Still waiting on flags for the flag ceremony. The officers will execute flag ceremony if smaller flags are not available by convention.

Open Discussion
Sheri got feedback for the meeting notes to include who was in attendance. Theresa will do this.

Jessica made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Pam, motion passed. Meeting adjourned 10:02 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted by,
Theresa Cox
Secretary/Treasurer 2014/2015