
Auxiliary Minutes – January 2015

Meeting called to order 9:04 a.m. by President Chris Slaughter.

Chris asked if there were any changes, deletions or additions to the September 2014 meeting notes, no responses. Susan Voss made a motion to accept the meeting notes and second by Sheri Berendzen, motion passed.

Financial report was reviewed. The changes were to the new balance date and date of term served by Treasurer. Ending balance for September was $4,140.46. November ending balance is $4,140.46. Susan made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report with the changes noted, seconded by Diane, motion passed.

Old Business
Table top flags: Jessica needs another copy of the flags from Chris. Jessica following up on the American flag. Flags will have fringe. Chris will ask Jamie Miller if our old large flags and bases could be stored in the FFAM trailer. Jessica lives the closest to Jamie to have access to the flags as needed.

Logo on the canopy: The company declined to do the logo due to the logo costing more than the canopy. Chris will check to see if there is a banner in the flag tote, to use on the canopy as needed.

Angel pins: Sheri has ordered them. Tumblers are in and will be available at the Winter Fire School along with the angel pins.

Committee Reports

Susan indicated she has collected $185 dollars from five departments for membership dues. Dues are required to be in by 12/31/2014 to: Susan Voss, 722 Cedar St., Washington MO 63090.

A group photo will be taken at the February business meeting.

By Laws
Jessica reported a change. Rule #9 is being removed as read, ”Upon the death of any member of the Auxiliary or their immediate family member, a memorial of $30.00 will be sent by the Auxiliary” (First reading).



Contest Games

Diane and Sheri will audit the financial at the February 2015 meeting.

Auxiliary Member
Chris to get an update from Jenny, Dolores and Lisa. Chris will send out a mass email reminder nominations are due by 12/31/2014.

Diane reviewed convention needs, 6 (+) tables for silent auction, room for up to 50 members for meeting, place to hang quilt(s), table for projector and screen, table decorations as needed, table for last 2 history books to be displayed, table for white elephants and door prizes. Chris will ask Robin Schrage to present the resolution at 2015 convention. Sheri volunteered to read the devotional at the business meeting at convention.

Fund Raising
Sheri ordered the angel pins, tumblers are here and will sell both at Winter Fire School.

Diane will have ribbons in January.

New Business
Chris will check with Jamie about hoodies for the Auxiliary.

Posting of colors contingent on getting flags ordered and receiving them by convention.

Theresa made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Susan Voss, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:49 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted by
Theresa Cox Secretary/Treasurer 2014-2015