The scholarship committee has some exciting news to tell our members. The committee heard lots of comments from not only our members but also our past recipients to put the applications online and to be able to submit the applications online. The committee listened, and we are happy to report that this can now happen. There are two scholarships, a high school senior entering college for the first time, and a continuing education scholarship. Yes, there is a continuing education application for any adult wanting help with going back to school or to help with the cost of a emergency services or fire classes or whatever they want to go back to school for. Not just for college students. I would encourage any adult wanting to go back to school, this is your opportunity, the FFAM is willing to help out any member that qualifies.
To access any of the applications go to the website and click on the committee tab at the top of the site. Then scroll down to scholarship and click on it, all the rules and the applications are located there. When you see the rules, you will see that the committee wants an essay, transcripts if a first year college student and letters of reference, those still need to be mailed to the committee as stated on the website. Make sure that you complete this or the application will not be considered. The deadline for the applications is February 28, 2015.
The committee would like to wish the members a Happy Thanksgiving and a blessed Merry Christmas.
If you have any questions feel free to contact myself or any of the committee members.
Grant Oetting
Chairman of the Scholarship Committee
660-584-7335 or 660-229-4525